RSPCA??? dunnom but that is something i am heavily involved in. dont know how other feel bout it but its a good cause and they have just launched their youth program which is stop world wide violence toward both animals and humans. Very good cause..... Each driver could donate whateva they like (from spare change to green backs just a suggestion thats close to my heart. let me knoe what u think cause ill let the education officers @ RSPCA know.
RSPCA Humane Education
Education Programs | Teaching Humane Values | All Creatures Club
Changing hearts and minds
Through the RSPCA's humane education program, we can decrease the number of animals subjected to cruelty.
The RSPCA believes it is crucial for children of all ages to learn respect towards all animals and to understand that they feel pain just like humans do. Animal abuse does not happen in isolation. It is part of a far bigger problem of violence in society. Research suggests there is a link between animals abuse, child abuse and aggressive, antisocial behaviour. The RSPCA's humane education program aims to break this cycle of violence by giving students skills to make better choices.