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    Paintbal, Architecture, Parkour and Stagea

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    '97 S1 Stagea
  • Real Name
    Christopher J Rawlinson

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  1. Hook a brother up!
  2. I am hoping that one person might be able to help me with both of the following, prefferably on the North side of Brisbane: I want to extend to an owner of a classic car a cordial invitation to a wedding on the ... and if they could pick up the bride on the way that would be awesome Preffered 4dr with roof. You will need to drive from Ferny Hills to Kedron to Margate on 17th Dec between 1230 and 530. This favour would be free, because I understand that charging for a wedding car means that you need a limo licence or somesuch. I also have a serious need to buy a $1.99 matchbox toy for a seriously inflated price (~17500% neg) in cash. Perhaps you could help me with that problem too Can anyone help?
  3. had a few moments in the last week... Had a mate from training giggling telling me it sounded like the starship enterprise on boost more than a volvo... Had someone ask if it was a hearse the other night too... 5 years after buying it and I still love the attention it gets from randoms. Lol.
  4. Am I right in supposing then that this is the same as DB1250 - will suit WGNC34 Front Pads? http://www.fmecat.eu/selProd2.asp?make=1526&model=4483&engine=&litre=4.1&prdgrp=2&langID=1&TsVer=&engseal=0 Q45 front pads? as suggested by someone one here previously? http://www.fmecat.eu/results/partdetails.asp?VI=14062&vPart=WBP23420A&Dlnr=4498&vAppNo=004&TsVer=1311153957511&prdgrp=2&langID=1&theType=0&isCV=1 http://www.fmecat.eu/results/partdetails.asp?VI=14062&vPart=FDB1263&Dlnr=62&vAppNo=004&TsVer=1311153985556&prdgrp=2&langID=1&theType=0&isCV=1 Can anyone check? my mechanic tells me he can't get 1250's or 1398's anymore.. discontinued part? Meh...
  5. Highflow, 3" dump, FMIC and SAFC now installed. Sounds much more angry, has a ghey reverberation at 2K rpm but apart from that very happy. Feels better lower down in the RPM range too Got to get rid of my misfire issue now. And I know it's not the AFM now because the tune had perfect AFR's, so earth or coils merckons. Sparkies should all have been gapped down to .6 from memory. Then once I fix that I can start winding up the boost and I can worry about fuel rail duty cycles and pumps and stuff (yay).
  6. keen... should car back in a driveable form by mid july. Not keen for dropping front shaft though... unless we can do it at EFI.
  7. looks like wallace... of wallace and grommit...
  8. sent C34 turbo to GcG yesterday.. wiating patiently for it's return
  9. spotted white C34 in Brisbane.. we rode in convoy from Southbank to Newstead... clean stag mate Peace
  10. after being a poor bum for 4 years, finally bought a return flow FMIC and SAFC2. They go in next week. Also replaced all the front bushes ater they all completely shagged when The car was too low, and put the airbox back in. Was running an unshielded pod before and it was sucking so much hot air it was misfiring at idle... Probably going to be more problem solving as it's still running prety rough.. but that should all be finally solved next week
  11. So what to do... after having the stagea lowered I am now faced with a choice... continue to replace the castor and camber bushes every 20 000 kms... or raise it... But it is sooooo pretty this low!!!And I want more aggressive castor.. not less! seriously...how much worse are uni-jointed castor arms tna bushes... I know they make noise when wet but is it really worth being concerned about...? and and what is the minimum height I should cut my bumpstops??? *end rant*
  12. there a chain of joints called SSS BBQ BARN in brissy... where you can order a whole lamb shank for a single person. Decked out like lone-star used to be with barrels full of peanuts and popcorn. AWESOME FEAST!
  13. security guard (nice bloke) at work pulls up next to my car in his recently purchased second hand `93 volvo... "wanted this to look like urs... know any good places to get tinting and my suspension done" I lol'd...
  14. I can confirm... just got a notice in the mail that they will no longer insure me because of a change in under-writer policy. 24y/o w/ 60% ncb. blegh. 1 yr to go and I could've been with shannons... now i think just cars will be the only one.
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