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Ginkgo Biloba

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About Ginkgo Biloba

  • Birthday 01/02/1980

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  • Car(s)
    R32 GTR

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  1. holy moly. tell me it isnt easier to just POST THE PICS!@ instead of emailing them to a, b, c, d etc?!!? it really isnt that hard, surely you at least know someone who can find the attachments button for you?!?!?! yeah sorry, but THREE PAGES OF PICS PLEASE PICS PLEASE!!! WHERE ARE MY PICS!? POST THE PICS.
  2. thats a hell of a dirty box for a few months old! is there much in the way of cabin-drone?
  3. some more info? width and offset?!
  4. i dont think this dump is available separately, it is specific to the 2835 turbo/kit. is it not?
  5. what are you on about scribble?! whats the relevance of stud patterns here!?
  6. wrong section, have you tried the suspension, braking and tyres section? there is a thread about what sizes everyone is running. As far as going larger but not affecting the driveline or the car, as soon as you go any size larger than factory you will affect the car as it was engineered originally to run its OEM stuff, some may say for the better, some may say for the worse depending on what you consider good/bad!
  7. whats the cars primary use? your building one of the greatest performance motors of all time to make around 500hp, "i cant afford it now"?! bah, just wait till you can afford it. as above do it once do it right, it will cost you thousands(!) and just as significantly time and frustration if the motor goes due to an oil problem, and then you have to start from scratch.
  8. would love to confirm the cams, and what boost!!?
  9. 350rwkw is said to be the magic number for 3rd gear to go if you change into it hard. but as said, if your gentle it may last a long time.
  10. Or theres the OS Gaylord type FS-b (fully sick, bro) adaptor, Autobarn now has them for $10.
  11. thats great, but why not go to a 3.5 before you do the tuning? surely a 3inch is restricting a bit of top end? is wrxhoon correct in saying the cams are stock?!
  12. RRR32_GoDzIlLa thats a lot of sarcasm (take it to ns.com) for someone whos posted on here only 17 times! You may or may not have huge power with your cars, either way that doesnt make you a good driver. And im sure if jopjop wanted to, he could have as much power as he wanted, he obviously isnt limited by his wallet.
  13. exactly! btw there's no shame about being beaten by a VL turbo these days, there are so many friggin quick ones, and autos very easy to launch. And anyway they are still using the same basic NISSAN powerplant! So its not exactly being beaten by holden, even if the dude in the VL thinks it is
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