hey guys/girls, heading over to Japan late January for a bit of a holiday. The 2nd part of the trip we are going up to Niseko to the snow so this is where my question comes into play.
we didn't want to cart our snowboard bags around for the first part, so we thought we would see the extra cost of a bag through the airline, then when we arrived in Tokyo send it up to Niseko and have it waiting when we get up there........ but its cheaper to pay for another ticket then pay for an extra bag lol
So we got a few prices to post direct from here to Niseko, which is pretty reasonable, but wanted to know who you guys would recommend to post our gear back with???
got told about a company that is good for internal shipping in Japan but they were not sure if they did international stuff... it was called kuroneiko (blackcat) delivery service.
Anyone used them??
any help is appreciated