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Turbo Tits

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About Turbo Tits

  • Birthday 01/04/1981

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  1. Hi All, Looking for a standard R34 GTR steering wheel in good condition. Thanks
  2. Hi 9krpm - We had this repair done not too long ago at a crash repairer. What they did was weld a long lever to the area needing to be pulled out. Lifting the lever with a lot of force pulls the metal out. The longer the lever, the easier it will be for you. When the rails were straight, the lever and welds were removed and the rails painted with black rubber paint. The rails are dead straight now and look like new - I was pretty imprressed. Hope that helps.
  3. If you want to be anal, or if you're interested... Mild steel = 7860 kg/m3 vs Stainless steel (304) = 7930 kg/m3 If you can afford the best, go titanium. Other than that, I personally prefer the sound from a mild steel system over a stainless one, which is the deciding factor for me.
  4. hi there, are they r32 injectors?
  5. Hiya, These come in many diameters. Which one is yours?
  6. hiya. i was told the same. i just went through regency a few weeks ago and i only had to wait 2 weeks from the time i booked the car in.
  7. have a read of what sly33 has to say. it may help. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...p;#entry1739046
  8. works for me, catalogue and all. maybe its all good now?
  9. Yep, so far i have 2 quotes. Having trouble finding local services though. On Monday i'll try calling engine builders to see if they know of anyone.
  10. Just a quick update. I got in touch with Andrew from Specialised Power Porting in Victoria. He's asking $550 for his extrude honing service. Sounds like a great guy, really helpful and willing to chat. General turnaround time is 2 weeks. But he said if you call a few days in advance and let him know when the manifold will arrive, he can pencil in into his workload and can have it done in a few days.
  11. busky, thanks for that, it makes more sense now madaz, screw the dremel, i'll extrude hone it myself. Swallow large amounts of abrasive matter and take a dump through each runner. done!
  12. In regards to my setup, since it is the only part of the exhaust tract that has not been modified (ie. enlarged), I'd expect some power gains, how much remains to be seen. Say you have a setup with a standard exhaust manifold that is pushing the turbo to its limit at the top end, with boost falling off near redline, would this mean that most of the gains from extrude honing be made in the midrange? What do you guys think?
  13. I was expecting $300 at most. $650 feels like robbery. For me, keeping the engine bay looking legal is a must, so I guess i'll sit on it until $650 doesn't seem so bad. May take a while...
  14. In case anyone is interested, I was just quoted $650 from Abrasive Flow Engineering to extrude hone my standard RB25 exhaust manifold. They told me they have done them before, and have increased their flow capability from ~130cfm to ~170cfm. Not a cheap exercise! Nuts
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