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Turbo Tits

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Everything posted by Turbo Tits

  1. HAHA. sucked in nicknick/nicknick2/lawbreaker. You cant win! Just face it, you totally suck . And Roy, you werent seriously paying out Doughboy were you? I thought you were having a sarcastic go at nicknick.
  2. yeah GTRKEN get it right!@
  3. haha im not going to write a detailed response to you, you've already proven my point for me, that you are a complete nobody and a loser. You have also made it obvious that you werent breast fed as an infant, you angry, angry little man. btw if you can still be bothered signing up as someone else, keep the responses coming, we are all having a huge laugh at you!
  4. quote: "hahha you think im stupid to have everyone know my plates, or even my car. and please you want to do yourself a favour. please email me your number i wouldnt mind speaking to you, to see if your really as damn as you type. " Speak to you? to see if i'm as "damn" as i type? Do you mean dumb? You are certainly the dumb one here, you cant even spell or phrase a sentence. Your post doesnt even make sence. It would be pointless talking to you because if you talk like you type i wont be able to understand you. Unfortunately just owning a 10sec GTR wont make you "cool" to everyone else on here. You wanna talk to someone? go talk to your mamma you loser.
  5. Hi everyone. Two cream leather re-trimmed Recaro SR's are looking for a good home. Absolutely excellent condition! Have a peek, its got pics! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=33804 Thanks!
  6. Hi everyone! As per the title, I have a pair of Recaro SR's, re-trimmed in cream leather. They are in absolutely excellent condition, and have s13 runners and brackets for bolt in replacement of your original seats. Alternatively, you can have the brackets modified or new ones manufactured to suit your skyline. I'm asking a negotiable $1600. I'm in Adelaide, and would prefer a local buyer, but I'm willing to freight them anywhere at the buyers expense. Thanks people.
  7. red17 i think your in the wrong thread. Isnt this the nicknick payout thread? Nicknick, so far i can see only one clown in this thread, and its not me or doughboy! You are really showing your maturity and mentality trying to get at people by callng them "POOR". In any case, who said we are poor, not that it would make us lesser than you simply coz your mamma gives you more pocket money? There is definite evidence of small man/ small dick syndrome here. But i'll give you a chance to rectify yourself nicknick. Just explain to us "poor, no money stupid forum clowns" how removing your front numberplate helps you get away from the cops when they are chasing you? Also good idea to post a pic of your 10sec defectable street racing GTR with the numberplate clearly displayed. Your in Sydney right? Hello Car Jacking!
  8. just remember to leave that front number plate off, so you'll have less chance of getting caught. Im gonna pull mine off now, fully sick idea mate!
  9. I agree with all the people who think nicknick is a dickdick. he sounds to me like a 17 year old who inherited some money and has gone out an bought a 10 second GTR then asks if he can get his engine wet (refer to carbon bonnet thread in 51jays post). but in support of this thread, so im not only bitching, go nick go! get a 10! Then go street racing you street racer you!
  10. nicknick, be realistic. if your gonna not only cruise, but race on the streets, while making your car look like a prime defect target with the carbon bonnet, no plate etc, you really have no grounds to be saying "stupid cops". What do you expect them to do with a car that screams to them "DEFECT ME". If you dont want to be defected, use some smarts. 51jay has a point. btw i also dont get the point of leaving the front plate off ? if the cops are chasing you they are gonna be behind you anyway? also nicknick, are you on P's?
  11. yeah that rubber intake pipe is a problem over 1 bar on all models. The Hpi R34 had the same problem, i currently have the same problem on my r33! gonna change to a hard pipe.
  12. steve you sound experienced so its ok for you
  13. i would recomend a 2way for the street, depending on how you drive. I have a 2way, and the thing i love most is that when the tail is out, and i get nervous and back off too suddenly or early, the back end sits firmly planted, with no snapping back, spinning round, or fishtailing. Its saved my arse a few times. id only see a one way good for launches and power oversteer for the experienced.
  14. RS500 the guy with the 2535 and 190rwkw was doing something wrong, as it should make that power at under 1bar. groove32 for the power you want it has already been stated that the 2530 is perfect for that power. Its been done many times on RB20's 1.1 -1.2 bar and 220-230rwkw, plus awesome midrange torque and response. If your looking for an alternative to that then a highflowed r33gtst turbo is similar, but supposedly laggier and requires more boost. you can get exc condition used 2530's for under 2 grand. you will of course need all the support systems and an ecu reprogram or replacement to get the most from it. you'll also likely need injectors.
  15. truth be told, i have no idea, but they look very similar yar? they wanted pics, so i just quickly nabbed some from the forum galleries. EDIT: sorry, my bad. Heres a pic of Pranks car from the galleries sporting real GTR skirts. Nrage33, to answer your question, yep, they are lower than the Mspec's.
  16. Hey peoples. I have new, unpainted GTR side skirts to suit R33 GTS-t. This link has pictures! OOOOooOOooOo http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...9439#post669439
  17. Heres a few more pics to help you get a better idea coz the other ones i posted are pretty crap really.
  18. Hey guys. Ive attached a pic which will hopefully help both of you out.
  19. The turbo has been sold. Anyone want some GTR skirts for their GTS-t???
  20. The bonnet has been sold. The skirts and turbo are still available. Any offers?
  21. The bonnet has been sold. Is there no-one keen for a pair of new side skirts for their GTS-t????
  22. You can buy from http://www.ksgarage.jp/ Go to "Body Parts", then scroll 1/3 down the page. With current exchage rates youre looking at $1091 + shipping. You could get a reputable body repairs place to extend your original bootlid for less than that, its not a big job.
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