If the translated manual in your glovebox is the one you've been given from compliance, it's pretty useless for this exercise as it doesn't cover the NAV screen aspect.
Here is step by step instruction to get to the service screen setup:
1. With your Nav screen pops out, press the "Vehicle Information" button (車両情報), which is the top row, third from the right.
2. Using your jog wheel, move the yellow selection to "Mechanical / Service Info" (メソテナソス情報), which is on the right column, third one down.
3. You got 4 categories. They are for: engine oil (エンジンオイル), oil filter (オイルフィルタ), tyres (タイヤ), and other services (その他ピットサイン). In this example below I had everything set to 5000 km, or 0.5 x 1 tens of thousands (万). Maximum on the scale is 15000km or 1.5万.
Chinese and Japanese use "tens of thousands", not "thousands" as opposed to many western numeric system.
4. Using the jog wheel, click OK to go into each category. Repeat below steps (either method a or b) for each category:
a) You can reduce the number of KM travelled to 0 km, that way it will never be ON. to do that press your jog wheel to the left while your selection is in the middle option "Distance Settings" with the <距離設定> symbol. This is to reduce or increase km interval.
Once you reached 0km, note that the last selection down the button (where it has a green indicator) became greyed out.
Don't worry about the top one it's something to do with "Reset" which I could never really figure out what for.
b) If you do not wish to change the interval KM as in point a) above, you can use the third selection "View Notice" (お知らせ表示) where there is a green square indicator. Green indicates this notification is ON.
Click it so the green indicator square become grey. This will turn off your notification for that category.
5) Press the "Return" button (戻る) at the bottom right corner, to go back to the main service screen in Step 3. Repeat Step 4 and 5 for the other 3 Categories if you wish them to be turned off as well.
6) Press the "Return" button again to go back to main Vehicle Information Screen, and press again to go back to your Navigation main screen.
Or you just close down the screen.
If you find this helpful, maybe admin can sticky this up.