It's getting to the stage on some days there are more TMU units on in area than general duties patrol units. Little wonder that crime is on increase and there are more and more cars being pulled over and fined/nou etc.
Would have to agree to the above, When i visted last time in melbourn just before christmas, (early nov) i noticed a lot more HWY patrol cars then last time i was in the same area, plus thier was a lot more aticals in the paper about hooning.
Maby members of clubs and the police (those that respect and understand car enthusiastes) start puting presser on the goverment to help get more race track's open on a more regula bases.
You do have calder park most friday nights, but who wonts to drive from frankston to calder and back for potently no more then 5 runs if they get thier early enought.
Winton is 2 hours away (agan long drive) and sandown is not open that offten, and look what happend when a meet was cancled (noble park riots)
If somthing like up here in the NT can be established i think it will help all, North australian motor sport club run on avg 1 race meet and 1 motakana a month some times more, the race meets, inc drifitng, lap springt, improved production, commonhore cup, and most meets are $66 for members and motakana #30.
also in the dry season thier is drag racing by hiddenvally drag racing association (which have just upgraded the track to international standed) on a weekly basis.
And cause of this the cop generly leave us alone and deal with the drunks on a weekend in darwin CBD.