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Everything posted by R TUNE

  1. well dan you know i would help you 100% if i was 100% comeing, however cause i now live in wagga wagga its as follows. friday-450km trip to melb (what fun) sat- track day (hope i dont brake any thing) sun- 400km round trip down GOR sun night 450km trip to wagga so looks like the liner will need a service after just one weeken. but i wona come cause it will be fun. altho i think 3-4 tanks of fuel for me (apx $320) and al thanks for the brakes they are now on
  2. thanks for that. i have found that the 5mm spacer didn't throw out the balance, but the 20mm did
  3. yep so do i. this meet is scraped mods please delet
  4. hi guys hears an up date. just fitted r33 gtst front brakes and adj caster/camber top hats to the 31. whats i used: r33 gtst front calipers. rb74 pads dba 4000 sloted discs cost: $600 k-mac adj camber/caster top hats Cost: $400 new bumb stops cost: $60 motul 5.1 brake fluid: cost $30 redrill disc to 4x114.3 cost: $140 20mm spacers x 2 cost: $150 alimenght cost: $45 misc Cost: $75 total: $1500 the new set up is pretty good for handerling with avg of -1/5' camber and +4.5' catser. and the wider track. the car is now more stable and has less roll and more predicterble in a drift
  5. ok guys can some one help me with this. i req new rims as the rims i have, the offset is now to big for the for the front brakes and i have to run a 20mm spacer (+40mm offset rim) would a +34mm with a 5mm spacer work. the reason why i wont to go to a 5mm spacer as i know it does not throw out the balance like the 20mm and it will also bring the track width in. if i am corect the perfict offset would be 25mm front and 30mm rear for my car. i have r33 gtst front brakes (HR31 struts) and std rear brakes.
  6. hi mate im intrested in the rims as i req some smaller offset rims. could you be able to measure the width with a tape mesure and let me know by pm. thanks brentt. also how much would it cost to post to wagga wagga or would a arangment be better.
  7. hi guys, im after some 17x7, 30mm offset rims for my skyline. im willing to swap my 17x7 which have a 40mm offset. i req the 30mm off set due to the brake set up
  8. it's a good idea, however i buy BP 98 as the BP is closet to home, then shell and for me to go to another type of servo i have to drive 10min to Eltham to go to mobil.Plus shell has the 100ron fuel
  9. FOR SALE: R33 GTS-T brake master cyl. $100 i need tohave this gone ASAP. i have no need for it. please call me on 0411 895 116. i am located in the northen suburbs melbourne. prefer pick up. chears brentt
  10. is any one still u for this pre meet if not we all go to k-mart pre meet. im up for were there is plenty of people
  11. WHY DONT YOU TALK TO MEBEFORE HAND DANIAL. im join you guys bell st maccas if off
  12. i dont cear whats hap but i wont to come as ill have the new brakes and suspetion set up. so will be a good place to test it out
  13. i got a 31 so not too fused about hitting stuff. but year have a look on the for sale parts there should be a few bars that you could buy cheep.
  14. im not asking to get another master cyl as i have the r33 one allready. any way the question has being answered by the guys from r31skylineclub
  15. hi mate. im putting r33 gtst front brakes on my r31 and i have sloted disc rear. im about to put motul 5.1 in, which im going up from castorl super dot4. just because i go to track days and the like and im userly brakeing hard so i need high temp fluid. i would say go as high as you can.
  16. hi guys. i just had a look at the r33 gtst brake master cyl V r31 brake master cyl and it looks like it wont be a straight swap to what i thought. can some one guide me on how to install it, and please dont tell me that it will require any custom or specerlest work. chears brentt
  17. sorrys guys for being vauge. im 21/m/ and sinlge. so that probaly ansers your questions. as for pick up what do you think. also were are the no go spots if you own a moderfied skyline
  18. R TUNE

    Pimp My Tank!

    recurting is a hard thing guys (i know this as i have done it) you also have to make a product that apeals to every body but at the same time shows what defence is caperble of, i know haveing the m113a1 and a .50cal mg at displays allways pulled people.
  19. hi guys ime moveing to wagga wagga in 2 weeks for work from vic so i was wonder what people can tell me about wagga wagga. i.e were not to go with a skyline, werer good pick up spots are good work shop's that sort of stuff. chears brentt
  20. fixed finerly and sorry guys i must have being drunk when i did it or thinking about something else
  21. well done mate
  22. R TUNE


    hi mate. as for getting a rwc i recermend any repco service center. they have warenty and do a realy good a nd through job as all repco stoers are inderpendent. repco only helps with suplying parts, waranty adn workshope equpment. there should be one in your local area, as for hourly rate its $99/h. if your in the eltham area i would recemrmend andrew timby at 13 brougham st eltham. ph 9439 7574 chears brent
  23. R TUNE

    Pimp My Tank!

    yea it's old news however, it's based on the amry GS 6x6 land rover which they have put in new eng drive line and the like. it wasn't ment for promo but was built buy army trade apprentices and now they are useing it for promo duties. the total cost is apx $500.000.00 thats cause it's had 2 diffrent paint sceams and diffrent sets of tyres. and it has done burnouts (all 4 rear wheels) what else can do v8 style burnouts with 4 wheels.
  24. up dated. any body else comeing. looks like chezze doesn't have the pulling power i have
  25. this is true as with my r31. when i jack the car up and then place it back down the rear realy sticks up then if i put some weight in it leave it for a cupple of days then remove weight it stays lower. best option remove all weight out of the rear and see how you go and go to vic roads with a near empty tank.
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