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Everything posted by R TUNE

  1. done, and dan dont tell me you've done those brakes or ill be pissed off.
  2. list up dated, as said earler movie will be decided 2 days before cruise or if people realy wont we can chose on the night. i have a few mates comeing so should be fun
  3. dam cant come have fun guys and gals
  4. yes very intresting, the o2 sensor is in. i also think the thermostate is bugged and i need a new radiator. so these would help with cooling.
  5. no run in period for any belt on a car mate. the only things that realy need to be run in are, a fresh eng or grear box and brake pads
  6. don't know mate, but i got to ask what's happerning to the high ocatane movie that the guys from NZ were makeing.
  7. keep the bikes man, sell them and use the money to fix your car. and get the prics to hand back your streing wheel and pay for the damage.
  8. hey guys, im bacak this cruise is still going ahead, so just pm me to conferm who is comeing. ive up dated the first post to inc the movies now showing as of 28-may-07 (subject to change) movie descion will be made 3 days before cruise.
  9. Hey guys. i own a r31 skyline and will be moving to Wagga Wagga for work soon and just wonted to get a heads up on a few things. Good workshops. What the modified seen is like up there. Cops what are they like towards modifiers. What’s the go with modifying you vehicle? I will be off my ps in July. for you nsw guys i would be on your full p's So yea any advise will be grateful
  10. hey guys just a heads up ill be away till the 27 of may, fill free to post if your comeing. can a mod please up date this thread as nessercery. also this will most likly be my last cruise with SAU vic as im going to be moveing to wagga with in the next couple of months. chears brentt
  11. her is a funny thing. my muffler which is pretty restrictive (to be quite as poserble) was causeing my car to run very hot 80-90 dec. i put my cannon muffler on and now the car runs fine about 70-75dec altho has lost a bit of low end performance and goes through fuel like no tomorow. just thought i would share with you what i have found
  12. hey mate, as for were to goi have no idea but as for tyers imo stay with the brigstones that you have. just dont get yokahama a-drive r1 they are s#@#
  13. fark 4k dont bother. as for me: r31 skyline non turbo with RACV fullcomp $830 a year with $900 excess. plus i have mods and can do pretty much any mod so long as it is legal. and im 20 it has only gone up $30 with mods since i brought the car 2 years ago stock
  14. would be good altho the time year ant so good mate. its getting cold and wet. so wait till spring is my advise.
  15. at least i dont have that problem
  16. 2nd that but if i was to do. r30/25dett eng stroked to 4L dog box (manual) lsd with 6pt brimbos on 330mm dics front and 4pt brimbos with 300mm dics rear with the diff moderfyed to have a internal hand brake mech. seam weld car, full roll cage. under body braceing coiler over 18x 9 te 37 with the correct offset for the r31 custom wide body kit made out of carbon fiber, karbon kevler doors, boot, bonnet. basicly any thing to support the eng. race seat. full repsray. and yea
  17. ill be posting the movie choieses closer to date when i know what is on. but if you guys know of any movies that are comeng out around the 9th of june and wona go see post them up. and will have a look
  18. hey jake you might have seen my sis as she was at the bottom of the stears and on her way up to the toilt when this happend she said she was about 30 sec from going in there. . pretty sad tho, and as to what one of you guys said about all the voilence to day i would have to agree, all you ever see with games movies or tv shows is sex, sexual refrences and voilence and or how you should live your life.
  19. the r31 is still a bit jap but i cant come any way. and there are 100% jap spec 4 dorr r31s
  21. Ok guys here is my 2nd cruise for the year. Well meet up the point as said below and then go and see a movie at Coburg drive in's, so at both place you will be able to eat. After the movie we will then go for a short cruise. Cruise route will be PM to those that are coming. DATE: Saturday 9th of June Time: 6.30pm depart 7.30pm Meet: Greensborough MacDonald's map: 20J2, enter off "the circute" (that is the road name). Dinner: you will be able to get food from Coburg drive in or can get from maccas while we are there. Cruise run: Greensbrough to movies, movies to Kinglake via the diamond creek Kinglake road and then make our way back to Greensborough via Mill Park. So plenty of twisty's. Requirements: CB radio is all ways handy Costs: apx $15 for adult, i think you can get a discount for a full car load so bring your friends Movie: TBA look in post 22 for the current movies showing and make your oppinion known Food: approx $10 for burger, chip, drink (burgers and chip are pretty big from memory) + the usual movie stuff CB CH: 14 (code 00) THIS IS A UNOFFICIAL SAU CRUISE SO ANY ONE CAN ATTEND. THERE IS NO INSURANCE BY ANY BODY. YOU ALL DRIVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. BEHAVE YOURSELVES TO THE/WHILE CRUISING, ANYBODY BEING A IDIOT WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE AND DETAILS PASSED ON TO POLICE. Sorry for the guys who live to far away and can't make it, I just wanted a social event with a small cruise. we will be seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 3 WHO'S COMING Brentt (redlineingr31skyline). adgime MUZT3K kelumzi MIGHT BE COMING: R33GOD GTTR34 Adzmax chezze
  22. looks like sydney was better then melb
  23. vey nice indeed how ever i thought the ztune kits (any part) were not going to recirculated or be allowed to copy. is this true
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