Ok time for a update,
Well i ran it at the last drift meet, with a missfure in CYL no 6 (replaced the plug before the event, but the coil had gone), I also had a crack in the dump pipe. the night was going ok, was pussing a bit harder then last time (3rd gear apx $130km/h) in to turn 5. I spun once and took out my front bar and the indicator dented my guard. however this was not as bad as what happend on turn 7. Started the slide at apx 135km/h and mid curner i started to spin. i jumped on the break but i was already on the grass and slid straight in to a plastic water barrier (empty). I started a grass fire, and engine fire.
What had happend, one of my catch can lines had poped off, and the vaoper condensed back on the wheels.
The pictures show the damage. What you cant see is the B piller was pulled in 10mm or so, and had i not had the floor brace could have been worse.
The car is now a dedicated drift pig, 33LCA are now on. turbo has new gaskets.