hi guys
i won a r31 skyline s3 with a few mods.
what im now after is getting in to raceing as my boss and parents are (forceing me ) to do it as ive done some pretty stupid shit on the roads i.e drifting, 200km/h runs.
what i need help on is the following.
what licence i should get.
im looking at doing club spec events, i.e circute and drift.
minermen requirements to get on the track.
all ready have a asr aproved helmet.
i know i will need a fire exstigusher, bonet pins, most likly a roll cage.
r-compund tyers.
any other info or guids to people who i should speek to would be grateful
i live in melb if that helps.
and finerly when will the next trak day be for the club so i can come and watch.