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Factory 5

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Everything posted by Factory 5

  1. the ebay store is ok, but usuall just a re-seller, they sit there with a catalogue with everything at trade price and put their own margin on top. $300 plus is farkin pricey. Theres a fella on the R31 forum and also ozdaat who sells sets very similar if not the same for $110 a pair. SPANDEX (do a search for him) an dhis 'hobby' store is 'Midnightmods' even if you get the plain vented rotors, getting them slotted at a machine shop isnt a big deal for them Im going DR30 up front over the next few months (my existing stock ones need machining and re-padding)
  2. chaeap!!!!
  3. nigel, i have the loom and fuse box and wirings etc packaged up ready to go. pm me your address etc for postage, will get teh quote to you this week
  4. farkwit has re-surfaced! lol.... let the timewasting begin!
  5. Congrats f u c k head. Lets see how much of our time you can waste this year.
  6. search for the KMAC catalogue, its a pdf... then ebay... then nolothane... then superpro... then autobarn
  7. $250 for busted, $350 for a good one. they are very tough too...
  8. there are also SOLID steering coupling bushes too, but i wouldnt think they are any good for your wrists!
  9. can you please weigh one of the 4 stud rims and get back to me. they look pretty nice, not too flashy and the tyres seem ok... interested in: rims bov & pipe both throttle bodies
  10. get onto www.ozdat.com they snaffle these up like nuthin else! (I know, sold 2 busted ones in the last year)
  11. Where in canberra are you? Im in Red Hill...
  12. ringwood auto spares in VIC (ebay store) he stocks all sorts of goodies at VERY good prices. (Rob Mills) if i find a link to his store i will post it up if you are upgrading your front swaybar to an R31 item you'll need the bushes to suit. nolothane make good castor rod bushes too (made a heck of a differenxe on mine) you can also get steering coupling bush too (looks like a cookie with 4 equally spaced concentric holes)
  13. Hey there, I suggest for drifting, look into a RB type conversion. The L20et is a tough little bugger, but to get it to stay toghether in being 'abused' in a drift session really it will likely pop. you cant really get more than 130kW with them either. I am sure the money would be MUCH better spent in a RB30 conversion, and then boost that. An RB20det if your funds allow. PS. send me a pm with your contact details. Im keeping an eye out for L20et gear for 'classic' type modification
  14. buy d-limo's if i had spare room and cash i would.... bloody ripper!
  15. my mates email, cos i cant acess mine at work... [email protected]
  16. Very interested, can you hit it with some degreaser and get some pics of the rear wheel and a close up of the front? how many km on the car it came off?
  17. My mate is organising a bathurst roadie this year, this wagon would be perfect. will let him know (he in Ringwood, SE Melb)
  18. I saw a car bra on a GTSII yesterday, looked like a bit of thought was put into it, but really is there any other options? looks ridiculous
  19. I know of a 280zx box here in canberra, he wants $300 for it
  20. The bottom line is cost. The cheapest option is to rebuild what you have, it seems to be a fairly good match to the engine. If you were looking at modifying your setup, there are some really good new turbos out there. Ghostrider has more info on this (he is building the FJ track only car)
  21. Bloody hell, that is MINT. just detail it and use it a s a show car/weddings. 4 to 5 grand easily.
  22. I have a VG30 unit, but there is a chip/4x5mm piece missing on one of the compressor wheel blades. you may be able to make a good one out of the two, but it will still need balancing, a full rebuLid is around $500, depending on what you are after. Hypergear is a workshop in Vic, they do replacements, rebuilds, and new units. the Tr43 is especially a good unit, may be too big fot a 2 litre though.
  23. http://speedhunters.com/archive/2010/01/27...le-tas2010.aspx This is a link to a blog style car site, some VERY nicely presented classic 6cyl dattos. Looks like a few dream cars in there....
  24. keep an eye out for an L26, grab the crank and rods (basicly a stroker kit!) find an L28e intake manifold (flows better than the L20et, simpler too) find a L24e ( cheap as chips, find another wreck R30, series 1 has E88 head, better for turbo) rebuilt VG30 turbo, pretty much the size matching is the hard part. Kelford Cams in NZ have some good turbo grinds, like a 256 duration turbo grind, free shipping to Aus too. Hose tail injectors, VL turbo are 270cc or so, L28et same, just harder to find. KA24e Throttle body, in the Ti fwd Pintara, efi 2.4 navara, ford corsair ghia 2.4 (ita 60mm DIA) a throttle body space is required to keep the stock linkages. im looking at converting to cable though
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