dan you misunderstand completely. and no i have been told generic hose from those places wont be good for the breather as oil braeks down the inside of the hose. depending on what people have ill ask.
2.5 inch with metal cat that wont be over restrictive and a jasma muffler of some sort should be quiet enough on cruising. and then when u open it up it will just be audible.
this weekend im not doing anything, just 2 pro evo nights, 1 tonight and a bigger one tomorrow night.
Next weekend I'll be having a big mother f**ker, ill give you my number and well catch up then.
hahaha madaz... my mates cpu was running at farken 95degrees or soemshit i told him to take off cpu himself he ended up trying to put it back on and snapped 2 pins off the old s478. hahaha now looking for replacement.