wen we are young, always want to go fast..
i did 230 on f3 with my first car after got licence for 1 month..
it was 3 in the morning, wasnt racing anyone,noone was on the freeway, just wanted to go fast..
wasnt thinking first, den 1 month after that i write off the car, hitting a bridge at 12 at night,i deserved it fully, not good enough to die yet..
so only have the car for 2 months paid 22000, no insurance, and a write off..
now its really learning the hard way, i lose so much money, and keep thinking how dumb i am to do that..
i dunt archieved anything, now i own r34 for around 6 months and neva gone more than 100 or speed limit..
for me if i love the car now, i will do cosmetic mods,just for cruising not racing..
why wanna thrashed your engine and shit, press it to the max trying to be a hard c**t..
relax and you stay out of trouble..
so just do ur time,pay the fine, and dont do it again or i wish u DEAD or being paralysed..