There seem to be lots of interest in more track days.
However there are plenty of track days held by Mountainrunner. I suggest we attend these and ensure we have enough people on board that are comfortable competeing before we have an event entireley to our own.
So lets see if we can piggy back onto these, is that OK Paul??
Same goes for skid pan days.
Daytime cruisies. too easy. We might work on one every second month?
Daytime meets ups, BBQ etc. One every other month?
Night time Non motoring events, one a month?
Thursday night, maybe once a month (see how we go)
Show and Shine, not much interest here (I was the only vote, cause my car looks pretty)
I really think these would be a good way to increase club membership, and showcase the great number and quality of cars we have. A bit like a MSC, but not going anywhere. We can organise prizes and stuff too.
I'd like to point out that I am "Events Co-Ordinator" only and will help Co-Ordinate these events only.
If you wanna plan do anything we'll do our best to get it up and going and help out.
As things get organised we'll need volunteers to help out, I'm sure we can count on you all
Cheers Mud