Firstly, thank you to all those who nominated thier cars for the calendar. Unfortunately not everyone can fit in.
I would like to invite everyone who IS NOT listed below to attend a get together (TBC). We'll take individual shots of your cars, and put them together INSIDE THE FRONT COVER.
This way your car will still be in the Calendar!!!
Please don't say "Fu<k you, if I'm not on a page to myself then I'm not gonna be in it all"
Remember that there'll probably be a new calendar late next year, and we'll use entirely different cars. You will have been on the forums (in the club) a whole year longer, and have heaps more mods by then.
The Cars/members below have been chosen due to their length of time on the forums, regular attendance at events (official and unofficial) and some have been thrown in due to the uniqueness of their car.
I believe all except 1, are full members of SAU QLD.
Preliminary list of pages.
Front Cover - Genesis, Jlnewton, Willo
Inside Cover - Individual shots of "Everyone Else"
1. Mud - DONE
2. V8SkylineMan, Alfadog - DONE
3. MRR34 - DONE
4. Genesis, Jlnewton, Willo - DONE
5. Ska - DONE
6. Belgarion - DONE
7. Azzura - DONE
8. Chaos - DONE
9. Slamm - DONE
10. N15mo - DONE
11 Dangerous_Daveo - POSTPONED
12. Squizz, WRXKilla - DONE
Back Cover - Group shot of "Everyone" TBC
Please post up thought sand comments.
I am working on time frames to get photography done.
I'll keep you all up to date.
Thanks again to everyone