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Everything posted by esky_mad

  1. im with simon on this one. oil and grease from your hands will be all over the turbo/dump/manifold. if your so concerned about the heat wrap pull it off and see if it still does it. at the same time you can tidy up the heat wrap.
  2. hey simple question hopefully simple answer how much longer is a r31/vl commo throttle cable compared to an rb20det cefiro ? ive just fitted a custom plenum and the stocko is nowhere near. im mainly concerned the nuts that hold the cable in place wont allow the cable to hook in proplerly because of where the bracket is located on the plenum. its an XF falcon TB so it runs right around the ring bit of the TB before it hooks in. thanks guys and girls
  3. glen has sold the car, majority of the parts went with it.....
  4. mine is a original turbo/auto/lsd/dark trim model but didnt come with a rear window wiper
  5. unfortunately for you aussies you can pick up c34s mega cheap in nz obviously the lowest of the low non turbo but for around 8-9k you can get a c34 with rb25det manual etc etc etc.........
  6. indeed it is. ceffys and laurels everwhere along with c34s and c35s
  7. 17x9.5+18 driftek on the front. 10/8 coilovers on full hard take care of any scrubbing issues. rear guards are pumped as much as possible without buckling. still some slight scrubbing issues on the inner guard but the hammer will sort that.
  8. kkr 280-380 are water cooled kkr 430-1000 are oil cooled
  9. i adore my ceffy. id never swap it for anything nor sell it. when i move home to nz im taking the old girl with me. not cheap but got the hook ups then she can join her cousins. aka genuine ex taxis. lol shed full of ex taxi A31's and C33's FTW!!!
  10. someone buy this, strip and sell the trim and SLIDE IT!!! would look awesome.....
  11. wheres the inside dish ?? whats the width and offset of the wheels ?? if you have stock wheels, put them on, it would help your sale.
  12. saggy springs. springs get old and start to sagg. my ceffy had the same prob until i fitted coilovers. ^^ try what he said and if its vice versa.
  13. hey, im fitting a custom plenum to my rb ceffy and i cant slide it in cause its hitting the brakes lines from the booster they only need to be shifted out of the ay then put back like 8-10mm. id rather not undo the brake lines themselves. can i safely unbolt the reservoir from the booster ? cheers.
  14. i brought one of these, i did a little bit of research before i did, i thought nah ill be alright. then before actually fitting it i did heaps of web searching and about 80% said stay the f**k away. so i sold it and brought a garrett. if you cant afford a good quality turbo(my 3040 was 2nd hand so i got it a lil cheaper anyway) just keep it stock or go hi-flow unless you want to be stuck with no car until you can get all the scrapnel out and afford a rebuild.
  15. couldnt ya pm him rather than spamming the thread. anyway, this car is awesome. sounds insane. not quite as insane as selling an A31 to buy an S14 but anyway..... is mega cheap for the amount of work its had done. if you want a super sexy machine thats ready to drift buy this!!!!
  16. best wheels around. ive got a pair of sp1 professors in 18x10 on the back of my ceffy. fairly light for such a big wheel. plus ssr love the dish!!!!!!
  17. cefiro rb20s didnt come with a bov (yes i probably should put one in but.......) cas was replaced late last year.
  18. cefiro rb20s didnt come with a bov (yes i probably should put one in but.......) cas
  19. sent you a pm on ns.com but never got a reply
  20. its fairly stock so it doesnt need any special tune timing etc is fine. considered boost leak but it boosts all the way up to 0.9bar. although the boost drops away very quickly and you have to keep stabbing it to keep boost up
  21. hey guys. my rb20det auto ceffy has had real poor performance lately the turbo comes on boost and not a whole lot happens, it still revs easy as but its just slow and sluggish and feels like its got no power at all. its fairly standard with stock turbo on 13psi, pod and an average exhaust. any ideas ?? cheers.
  22. hey guys. my auto cefiro (soon to be manual) has gotten slower it seems lately, and especially struggles up hills. it revs and spools fine (14psi on stock turbo on RB20) but just doesnt seem to get anywhere. i put some big sucker wheels on it just yesterday and took it for a drive, came out of a corner booted it the turbo spooled but the car far from took off, then its like the auto grabbed and spit the car sideways and then shot off. im not really sure what it is but any info or ideas would be great. cheers
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