group buy 2 update: recieved the boots today, and express posted them to group buy 2 members. For those of you in the AusPost express post area codes you will recieve them tomorrow (Tueday 24th April). For those outside the AusPost express post area codes you should recieve them on thursday (because Wednesday is ANZAC day).
What's a solicitor going to do??? Try to prove he wasn't speeding??? If he was dragging someone he's gone, no one in the world (EVEN the judge) can do anything about it, he broke the law for no reason, and they will get him.
group buy update: should recieve the items tomorrow (monday 23rd), I will express post them straight away so hopefully everyone recieves them by tuesday if there are no delays and if you are in the express post area code
Ok I'm still getting PM's because people have missed out on Group Buy 2 (whose order has been made and one member still hasnt paid!)
So I have opened a third group buy for those who have missed out.
What material did you use? Is it aluminium?
If so, is the aluminium heat proof? And where do you get such aluminium?
Sorry about all the questions but I really would like to do something like this to my R32.
this game still around? lol i remember playing it like 6 years ago, but then they started charging people for F1 cars and it got boring lol
and all those glitches!! everyone was a millionaire lol