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Everything posted by unix

  1. Ok Cool thank's for all the input time and help much appreciated...
  2. Ok Thank's SteveL Im trying my best to sort out a Genuine gasket..
  3. Yeh for sure i can agree with that but a f*ked turbo after 7week's been run on low boost most of the time and installed by a well known company is crap there was nothing wrong with the install or services i bet i just got a dodgy shit turbo again and now have to suffer for it.
  4. Oh really that suck's bigtime then. I thought i had a problem with my oil pressure in the motor which caused the turbo problem but i just cleaned out my Oil pressure sender and my pressure has gone up back to where it used to so that musnt be the problem, Its crap caus my last trust turbo's siezed on me finally saved up for these new garrett's and the back one sounds like its gonna shit it'sself soon, If i put my ear on the pod filter at idle i can hear a high pitched weird noise like a whine. I guess ill just have to drive it untill they die and save again for new turbo's and get one of them filter's put on to the turbo's and see how that goes .
  5. I live south of the river but it will be worth a bit of a drive to wangara then to find one ill go there on monday and ask to see Steve, Thank you very much.
  6. Ok awesome i will do that then, thanks alot mate.
  7. Yeh i was thinking might have to try and reuse the standard gasket if its still in good condition when it gets taken off. the place i got the pump from said they dont come with gasket's but they have them when trying to buy one from them there telling me they have run out. just have to give the original one a go i guess. Thanks.
  8. You think that will work ok? Thanks.
  9. I cant find a gasket for an n1 oil pump anywhere on ebay or anything theres a few threads that have all the nissan part number's they have the n1 pump's but no gasket anyone know where i can get one?.
  10. wow didnt expect to have some many replies lol, just wondering how can my oil be contaminated if its been changed 3 times in the last 7 or 8 week's? when i dump the oil it doesnt look contaminated at all. When driving the caar it doesnt seem to make a noise from the turbo's YET but on idle it defintely sounds like the comp wheel is hitting against the side of the housing hence making a screech aound but yeh cant really hear it yet when driving. I took the car back to the workshop the other day and told them they said when i strip my engine for a rebuild they can send them back to garrett and see if they will refund them or replace.
  11. Is the standard oil pressure thread size 1/8"or 1/4" ?? thanks alot.
  12. Hey all, i cant find an oil restrictor to head of an rb26dett on any websites anyone know where to source one? it will be for my rebuild comming up. Thanks.
  13. I bought a N1 oil pump off CJ Motor he isnt dodgy Received the pump very fast %100 working.
  14. Yeah thank's mate i was sorta thinking that "There is no warranty on performance" . Ill be taking the car back to the shop on monday ask the mechanic if he can C send them off to GCG i guess. Im thinking maybe my last turbo's died the same way i might have an oil problem. I might even have to have the motor stripped down to find out and possibly some kind of cheap rebuilt with some piston's and new bearings's new oil pump and some oil control mods, on a sorta budget . Thanks for the reply.
  15. Hey my new Garrett turbo's are about to die i can hear a scraping grinding noise on idle its comming from one of the turbo's i took the piping off i cant reach the inlet pipe to the actual intake wheel but if i stick my ear on the pipe going to the top of the turbo as soon as i shut the car down i can hear the bearing's slowly spinning to a stop and like scraping grinding. Iv only had these turbo's for about 6 weeks is there any kind of warranty any turbo's come with? i change my oil like every 2,000km's this is bullshit. Do i have any right's to complain to my tuner workshop at all?. Thanks.
  16. Hey, Can someone Please tell me how much 2kg on the standard dash oil pressure gauge is on a aftermarket gauge that read's 0 to 100? and if i install an aftermarket gauge will the standard one in the dash still work?. Thanks alot.
  17. Hey guy's, Went to the drag's tonight and i think i broke my twinplate clutch i done a 0.0.0 reaction time L:) but when i got back to the pit's my clutch pedal felt alot lighter than it was and it rides a bit trying to get the car moving. Once its moving ect it doesnt ride or anything is it fully F*ked or has something maybe broke that might be repairable i know you cant really tell unless it is looked at but hoping someone might be able to throw out a few idea's.?. Thanks in advance.
  18. No it wouldnt they lasted about 4000k's im not taking a gamble again.
  19. Also i dont think the -5's are the same as 2530's thats the -7's
  20. Mate i changed the turbos because they siezed. ill get the dyno sheet up tonight.
  21. And to "ashneel" good point the -5's look visually bigger than the standard turbo's and the -7's or not really?. Thanks.
  22. Haha yeh thats what im afraid of mate. Thats why im hoping he doesnt screw me knowing that you know. I have aftermarket induction piping so i can get all that off Pretty easy i didnt think the garrett's came with anything on the ID?. The t517z's where the 8cm Version brand new. I know that the -5's arnt that good for a standard rb26 my internal's are standard i decided on the -5's because im planning on doing a rebuild later on and using them for what there capable of alot more boost. Right now i think its running 19psi so they should have alot more in them yeh? i will ask the tuner on 19psi they shouldnt run out of puff at 75000rph yeh? im not saying they are i havent seen the dyno sheet yet im picking the car up this afternoon. I guess if it comes on boost early and has a gradual power increase that doesnt hold till redline there not -5's. I have cam's just about ever bolt on mod accept internal's. Just makes me really wonder about gaining in the midrange you know i just dont think it should gain in the midrange if i have big turbos that should have a bit of lag. BTW it made about 400hp on 18psi like the t517z's did at 18psi.?
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