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Everything posted by padey

  1. I don't know. That photo has been heavily photoshoped. And if she needs that much photoshopping, then my guess she isn't worth it. ap
  2. Thanks. Kind of helps that I own a photography business and all. cheers, ap
  3. padey

    Need Camera Help

    I can't be specific with your camera as I don't own one, but generally, you need to either increase the ISO, and/or open up the aperture to the point where then slowest shutter speed is 1/60th of a second. That is about as good as you can hand hold a wide-medium telephoto lens before you get camera shake in your photos. Most on board flashes are rubbish, so either get a more powerful external flash unit, or get a faster lens, or take a tripod, or get a camera that can handle better low light situations. ap
  4. cheaters always prosper. .
  5. Forgive the dust spots cheers, ap
  6. I'm not sure about the R33, but i had the same issue with my R32, and it was just because the 4WD fluid was low. Topped it up and it was fine. Maybe you should look at that...
  7. BNR32009408 thanks in advance,
  8. Where is the boost restrictor? Sorry for the n00b question.
  9. The only down side with the GTR is to many P-platers own them. Especially ones that public education has failed.
  10. WTB R32 GTR baffled sump in sydney. cheers, andrew
  11. Congrats dude. You might need my services soon www.catoandpade.com.au :sorcerer: andrew
  12. Cheers r32line. These were taken down at Homebush, Sydney. Top image was taken in front of the railway station and the bottom one taken next to Stadium Australia.
  13. Here are a couple from my relatively stock R32 GTR. Mamiya AFD Phase One P20 digital back. Fuji S3, 28mm F1.4 using long exposure and rear sync flash. cheers, andrew
  14. WTB standard R32 GTR rims. Don't care about the rubber. I'm in sydney, but I'm happy to pick up from Newcastle or the Gong.
  15. Thanks guys. I got owned. I bought some EBC reds and DOT 5.1 and was going to do the change and realised I had no lock nut. GTR 1 - Me 0 andrew
  16. Does any sydney-siders know where I can buy a lock nut for my nismo rims. I lost the dam thing and need to change my pads!!! thanks in advance, andrew
  17. I'm looking for a front and rear strut brace. I'd prefer the OEM R32 front brace if possible. In sydney cheers, padey
  18. Just wondering how accurate in the standard R32 GTR oil pressure gauge is? cheers, padey
  19. I was in the same position as you a few weeks ago. Same thing, lots of rubbish. I was lucky to find a nice one on this forum. You have to move quickly though, as there are a few people out there hunting for clean GTRs. Here is my ride; cheers, padey
  20. As someone looking for an R32 GTR, from a sydney perspective i can only guess the market is flooded. I have seen three R32 GTRs a day in the last three days, and there are heaps more out I could have seen. Also there are a lot more coming in. I do wish you were in sydney, as your car looks nice.
  21. This looks like a nice package. I'm looking for an R32, but was going to go for something stock-ish. hmm you've got me thinking now...
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