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Everything posted by Gazee

  1. yea he seemed like the type of cocksukr that would do that... now i'd understand paying $400 for what you got done but the fact that i said to him "all i want to do is give you a boot and you spray it.." pissed me off when he said $800 lol I asked him if he'd blend it in for that much with the guards and he said no thats extra LOL f**k that for a joke... but hey thanks for your help ppl... i might try and get someone that does the work on the side to paint it for me as apposed to going to someone who has to pay over heads and rent and shit... its not a show car after all lol
  2. Yea i kinda thaught so... i was a bit stunned when he said that, and then he was saying if i want to blend the wing in with the boot he wont guarantee the work cos apparently it'll crack when i close my boot... oh well.. i just suppose i'll keep looking around
  3. Hey all i thaught no better place to ask how much i'd expect to pay to paint a r33 boot lid and drift wing.. i walked into a panel beater just down the road from my place and asked how much to paint a boot and drift wing would cost.. he asked if i was quoted before and i said no... he said $800 to paint it... I was thinking is that the normal price i'd be expecting from everyone i'd go to? i was wondering if anyone's painted them and wether they paid that much or what the go is? Thanks heaps everyone! George
  4. its more or less that it can be unpractical and easily bipassed...
  5. take it back and demand a new one !
  6. Thats 1 nice GTR... if i was in the market i'd definatly consider this one.. espcially at the price its going for.. GL with sale mate!
  7. Thats very true... if they're smart they wont be coming near that club/area anymore but seems like they know what goes on around there. Very sorry to hear that all that stuff got pinched, what sonsofbitches!
  8. So you'd actually want to get bashed for $15 p/h?
  9. Yea same.. after i got defected i painted it matt black
  10. use your standard shelf as an outline for the new one, use MDF wood 12mm - 18mm depending on how thick you want it.. and carpet easiest easiest easiest thing you can make (appart from a J) lol
  11. please improvise on the bullshit your refering to...
  12. DAMN IT! The only thing the cop said to me was... "ok now this is gona cost ya a bit today..." At least he didn't fine ya mate...
  13. thats cos the police officer that defected them didn't know wtf was going on, it says in the epa guidelines that a plumb back bov is allowed if the car was fitted from factory with a bov.... theres too much contradiction in what is enforced and what is the actual law... but your right lose lose if the cop wants your ass on a dinner plate...
  14. arnt plumb back bov's legal? like a greddy type s or sumfin?
  15. yea the cop that got me for tyres said i had to get it towed but then they had a change of heart and said you can't drive it in the wet.. what a sweat i was only going to maccas cos i was starving, 30mins later i managed to eat lol R-SPEC - so if you got a major defect does that mean you gota pay the $177 fine aswell? or nah?
  16. how much you after for it bud? shoot us a pm with your price
  17. Another pump i've heard is really good is the Nippon Denso High Flow Fuel Pump, i've searched everywhere for one and manged only to find Tweakit.net who are very very over priced, also a workshop in melbourne Chasers sell them around $300 i think... apparently the tomei and HKS pumps are based on this denso pump (not 100% sure) This is the link to the pump, not sure if anyones used them but apparently they hold big HP and are direct fit (not like tomei) http://www.tweakit.net/shop/product_info.p...roducts_id=5056
  18. I personally thing the law about animals (dogs in this case) sux balls... if the dog was prevoked etc. and they maul the person who was prevoking it, then they put the dog down... But they don't see that its like prevoking a human, those dogs who arn't so viscous just sit there or run away, those dogs who are viscous will bite the f*krs arm off.. now if someone was there poking you with a stick or throwing rocks or whatever at ya.. i'm sure 99% of people would jam that stick or rock up their ass. I don't think its the dogs fault if shit like that goes down...
  19. please no epa
  20. Usually people charge more if their fitting products they dont supply, i think $139 is good for all you've stated, theres a bit of work in fitting alarms bud. No one will do it for $100 flat... well it'll be hard to find someone
  21. Thats weird, for a genuine GTR wing only $300? You sell them for $350 on your website and their fiberglass not pastic... no led for the brake light either... I know i'd never sell mine for $300
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