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Everything posted by Gazee

  1. Sorry to be a pain but my work blocked anything to do with games and any sort of entertainment whats this game about? I cant open the link lol
  2. Everyone should get together and petrol bomb their property... I tracked down monstaperformance and found out they only lived around the corner, when i told them i found where they lived they payed up cos the idiots knew they had their family living there aswell... PETROL BOMB JDMIMPORTS!!
  3. I second BP ultimate and Vpower racing from shell... both top fuels but i think the v power is a bit better
  4. Oowch... and they couldn't work that out for you for $1k? Don't take it back until your 100% happy and don't give them another cent.. bastards...
  5. Ahuh... so how do you get a 100% accurate reading? or is it impossible cos theres 2 many factors that could effect it? wheel spin and all that shit?
  6. Wwooaa thats f*king huge!! very nice... very nice... lol I love fishing but i've never caught something that big... you used live bait i take it? Any spare time I get away from home/work/gf the rods come straight out and off to the bay lol
  7. So how can it be deadly accurate? A lot of people i've spoken to have said its rare to get a place to dyno your car that will give you a 100% accurate reading... is this true?
  8. Yea thats a steal compared to like a year or so ago... i payed $960 for mine last august and its still in my cubboard LOL
  9. try places like greenline or perfect run... maybe they might be ok? perfectrun gave me a quote for 550s for $800 delivered which i think isnt too bad compared to places in aus that sell em, theyre aus based aswell which is i suppose alot better
  10. I was under the impression that over seas its first in best dressed... no one waits for no one lol
  11. Anyone know exactly what's done to the cop cars?
  12. Yea well you never know what happens on the day of the tune, besides who knows exactly how much kw cars push most dynos give you a higher figure than what your car really has. For example, I tuned my car with my safc @ chasers, i only had full exhaust system, fmic, bleedvale @ 12psi (that didn't even hold boost properly), pod filter and thats about it, the dyno sheet said 214.9rwkw, now thats hard to belive.... Every cars differnt but i'm just saying if i dont get upto 240kw on that much boost i dont really care anyway, i'm not after a power figure i just want everything to work the way its set up to... And with the turbo i've got and the setup i've got i just want everything to complement everything else. I just want to be on the safe side really, but seems like 550s will be the safest choice ey...
  13. I think they do their own maintenance cos i knew this dude that use to fit all the electrics to their cars like the siren modules and lights and all that crap... he told me that the usual for the cop cars is the chip that they get for the ecu's and apparently some sort of steering components. I'm not 100% sure but if anyone knows it would be interesting to find out..
  14. Great work there mate! Im just wondering if your driving can you spot them out? like can people tell the difference between a normal car and an undercover? I seen 3 cops driving around in this toyota people mover van (not sure what it is exactly) yesterday from the magistrates court in the city.. funny shit cos they look so out of place in it lol
  15. Um right... I was only backing up what tridentt150v said, fair is fair after all... you cant ask for more than what you put... a price is a price... and i'm more than 100% sure that not everyone emailed you at the exact same time... but hey if they wana pay more then thats their choice... I was actually interested in the R33 dash and S13 guage holder and guages... but if its like this then its all good... Good luk wit sale dude
  16. Yea hey i didn't know this was ebay... maybe a $1 NO RESERVE should be done with these... I bid $1.50
  17. I've seen these on a white series 2... they look 1000000000 times better than on a series 1... they are worth every cent i reakon if you have the time and paint and shit to do it, they look UNREAL, but yes pic would be nice
  18. Is it the water restriction police or something? LOL Chrisman - They look pretty cool... i've never seen them around
  19. For anyone who wants to buy cheap chinese stuff... thats all they need to know
  20. **JaR**' - Yeaa... it was some goood shit Justin O - is that the same kind they used in mad max? ooOoo man i love that mad max car dezz & 180_mph - yea my bad the R34GTR below is from japan... that R33 GTR one obviously is US
  21. Oh come on... its a good idea, we can dress up like santa or maybe Mr T or ninjas Then dance like these crazy mutaf*krs You know its what you wana do
  22. Lazy bastards... maybe you should just call turbosmart or something, there has to be info on the web on them somewhere...
  23. I've actually seen the same one, he pulled over another ute and i seen him chasing him for about 200 meters on the tullamarine freeway before he turned his lights on, the guy he pulled over probably thaught he was trying to race him.. LOL EDIT: Heres another GTR from japan... Call 911 to keep kids off drugs they thinks BAAAHAHAHAHA But seriously this skyline is hot!
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