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Everything posted by Gazee

  1. very true... even now the american muscle cars are an investment my mate had a original VL walkinshaw about 6yrs back, he sold it for around $25k but motor was fully worked etc.. and it was a fully restored car only a couple weeks back my friend baught a walkinshaw that has to be restored for i think around $50k he was saying i dont see this happening with an r33 lol
  2. check out the HDI boost controllers, they're very good and exactly what you want
  3. why would you waste a tune on 5psi? you have all the supporting mods for the 12psi and probably more
  4. they don't hold their value unfortunatly especially because of the supply and demand thing i think we all wish they did.... its all sentimental value, you love the car, you've spent xxxxxx amount of dollars on it, you'll never get it back on a R33
  5. LOLLLL what happens when they fly off?
  6. it looks like nothing will come of this... he'll just deny it when the cops catch up with him (if they do) then its your word against his... he can say "he's full of shit", you say "no he's full of shit", then the cops say "fk both of ya's" and walk off... any witnesses?
  7. did the police breathalise him? or did you go to the cop shop and report him being pissed and smackin into your car?
  8. just pm campbell and ask him yourselves lol
  9. is that a modified stock bov? or a stock bov with the little hole at the bottom as it was from factory?
  10. at what psi would the stock bov leak on a larger turbo like a GT30 for example?
  11. Can this popping and farting can't be tuned out?
  12. Gazee

    Epa Fun

    thats true... they're just being pricks i mean doing their job
  13. i dunno why people want to be different with pink 33's n 400 chevs in em n sheit lol... i highly doubt he'll get 38k for it...
  14. Gazee

    Epa Fun

    from the cat back... so you can leave your cat on it, just change the rest from the cat to the muffler with the standard exhaust which maccas were you at by the way? (just wana steer clear LOL)
  15. Gazee

    Epa Fun

    put the standard cat back on, go for test and call it a day... theres a couple on ebay going for under $50, i baught one for $25 lol
  16. 38k? f**k me dead...
  17. well george... unfortunatly your on your own with this one
  18. maybe this one? http://www.fd3s.net/avc-r_manual_gen1.pdf oldest one i can find, your one is probably before this, but if the wiring seems the same then it'll be the one, the wiring wouldn't usually change too much especially if the unit looks the same as yours...
  19. type it in google with the model # n stuff, bound to be something on the internet somewhere
  20. how about this? http://www.xspeed.com.au/manuals/AVC-R_manual.pdf
  21. LOL where in the factory specs does it say rb20det should have a gt30 high mount attached to it? i think if he goes to any one thats legit they wont pass him
  22. thanks for that... so its just coincidence that it happend immediatly after i blocked it?
  23. your saying they're connected together, over time it can cause it to have shaft play, etc etc so what does that mean? the front one shits itself and the rear one stays intact? i'm saying that they both can be damaged because i've had it happen to me, i had no exhaust wheel nor a comp wheel left and i'm not spinning your words, your just contradicting yourself in what your saying... theres a difference
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