its true, but there are other ebc's out there that do the job
for instance, i had one of those $80 GFB bleed valves, it was great at the start, got it tuned with the safc and the boost wasn't steady at all on 12psi, it would creep and taper off all this crap... the tuner said "if you want a steady curve that doesn't taper off at the end get an EBC"
so next step was for the EBC, i found the Hybrid one for $250 delivered, the solenoid is the same as the turbosmart and the avcr's
i fitted that and the GFB one i got rid of, never went back to a bleed valve again... the turbotech ones seem different to bleed valves so who knows it might work just as well for the price
but no one has answered my question in post #9, does it come on boost as hard and fast as a ebc? and does it hold better than an ebc thats set up correctly?
at the end of the day your right its personal choice and now i would not piss on bleed valve or a manual boost controller