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Everything posted by /2on

  1. For your vac/boost lines just take one of the hoses to ur local performance car shop and ask for silicon hosing of that size and i wouldn't bother getting part numbers from nissan because they wouldn't match up with other manufacturer part numbers best thing to do is just say at your local car store what brand you want and what car its for they should be able to check it for you there Hope that helps
  2. You wouldn't have a pic of this installed? id love to see what it looks like cause its soo cheap
  3. You should service your car yourself, its really not that hard if you have the tools and theres lots of diy guides floating around here. You also save yourself a bit of money to
  4. Wow thats really F##d up, i hope you got there badge numbers and made a complaint.....you shouldn't have to deal with asshats like that.
  5. Sorry to hear about your car mate
  6. Yeah as the other guys said i just used a spanner aswell and had no problems at all
  7. Looks good, do tell us how it goes
  8. /2on

    Stolen Gtr

    Sorry to hear about the loss, hope all goes well and you get it *fingers crossed*
  9. Sorry to hear it being a write off.... that 4 door was awesome, makes me wish i had a 4 door instead of my 2 door
  10. Hoon Driving Survey Stage 2 Studies of Society Investigative Report Age: 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 1. Do you personally know anyone (this incudes yourself) that performs driving manoeuvres that would be considered hoon driving? Yes 2. Which age group and sex do you believe commit the most hoon driving offences? [Circle one] Male: 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Female: 15-24 25-34 35-44 5-54 55-64 65+ 3. How do you think drift practice and track days affect the amount of hoon driving and street racing that occurs in South Australia? (10 being considerably reduces and 1 being encourages) [Circle one]: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. What area of Adelaide do you believe is the most affected by hoon driving/street racing? Northen Suburbs 5. How many hoon driving offences were recorded by Police in South Australia during the period of January 1 2007 and June 30 2007? [Circle one]: 234 534 634 134 334 734 6. Do you believe if Adelaide International Raceway were to hold legal off-street drag racing this would prove to be a safe outlet for hoons to ‘vent’ and therefore reduce the occurrences of hoon behaviour on the street? Yes 7. Consider the following statement: On June 19 a man was observed by a member of the public excessively spinning the rear wheels of his vehicle doing a ‘huge burnout’, which left about 10 metres of tyre marks on the road. On a scale of 1-10, mark which you believe best describes your attitude towards this behaviour (1 = believe its stupid/dangerous etc, 10 = love it, condone it etc) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8. Place a tick in the box if you agree that the respective will reduce hoon driving in South Australia. Then identify by circling which you believe would be the most effective. [ ] Larger fines for speeding and hoon driving [X] Police powers to confiscate and destroy/sell hoon drivers’ cars [ ] Introduce night curfews and passenger limits for P-plate drivers [X] Ban turbo, V8 and ‘high performance’ cars for drivers’ under the age of 20 [ ] Mandatory ‘safe driving’ course for repeat offenders [ ] Further ‘safe driving’ education at high school level [ ] Other_______________________________________________________ 9. What effect do track days and drift practice have on your attitude towards driving on the street? (If you do not attend these events leave blank)
  11. What an idiot.....its people like that, that make the cops give us import owners a hard time....
  12. LOL hahaha that would be gold!!!
  13. ahh thats heaps bad but as alot of people it prolly wouldn't have felt the same if he got it back anyways...hope he has insurance cover it
  14. ^^ I just went through that link, that was sooo helpful, just what i needed to help me with my car
  15. 7am!?!?! omfg people just have no fear these days, its like the only time its safe to take your line out is when your in it......
  16. Yeah id go for a GTR wing myself i find they just look really nice compared the stocko ones as for front bar i think dmd makes the GTR do luck style bars for the gtst i think they look awesome and not there heaps popular either which is even better
  17. omg another......i hope all goes well and it comes back in one piece, best of luck!
  18. Awesome work there cheez its turned out soo well, amazing for a front bar of that price
  19. Generally im not a fan of the 400r kit but that looks really really good i love it
  20. Sorry to hear about the loss, thats heaps bad especially when your trying to sell it too. Hope all goes well and it comes back in one piece
  21. Looks sexy as one of the nicest 4 doors ive seen
  22. Have a talk to pkblade hes the one who supplies people from sa with them
  23. Yeah that looks awesome got any more photos?
  24. I have neons on my car, don't listen to what people say about them being gay etc...its your car at the end of the day....but as cheez they do break really easy
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