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Everything posted by a20089

  1. ACT Supra Club 1. Ross (Paid) 2. Scott (Ballzy/Turtle) 3. Niko (Paid) 4. Yiannis (Paid) 5. Andy (lippy84) 6. Simon (Foxxy) (Paid) 7. Teon (Paid) 8. Jazz 9. Andrew (yjz-70t) (Paid) 10. Sam G (spunky) 11. Nathan R 12. Chris (CDM) 13. Lawndart (pending car) 14. 15. Skyline Owners 1. Kat (Paid) 2. naughtyruski (Paid) 3. sl33py (Paid) 4. Donnan (Paid) 5. Cejay (Paid) 6. GT-R32 (Paid) 7. A20089 (Paid) (even if car is not there I'll bring the Civic)
  2. Definatly one of the better looked after cars if I recall.
  3. Hundreds of owners and no ideas?
  4. Na new problems. I fixed most of Croydens slackass work myself.
  5. I'd be happy with my standard 18. Swap my unknown issues for your lack of an intercooler.
  6. I'll be there, unfortunatly only at at 11psi. Prize for lowest powerd modified RB26?
  7. Need to get Scott to fix my car!
  8. R33 GTR running 18PSI on an PFC and EBC III Boost controller. When driving (normally, or with some power) the car will cut power like the fuel is not reaching the engine, then pulling over to the side of the road the car revs then nearly dies many times, after a minute or so the engine light displays and the car dies soon afterwards. It happens less when driving very slowly under boost. This problem started when driving over some dirt roads. I recently reduced boost to about 11-12 PSI and all seems fine. I have changed the fuel filter which was filthy. What could the issue be?
  9. +1 for second hand PFC, mine should be coming up shortly for sale.
  10. Good pick ups Ross. My car is down on boost currently but hopefully will be fully "uped" by this date. I'll be there regardless.
  11. I'm cruising past probably about 10pm then cruising to Macca's for some warm snacks.
  12. She's doesn't run scotty... The upgrades are part fix, part upgrade.
  13. Upgrade planned, just need it done to attend.
  14. Sutton was never up to scratch for a race track, ok as a driver training circuit. Nothing a couple hundred thousand could not fix. There is a petition for another track in the Sydney basin but nothing currently for Canberra area. Majura is still earmarked for motorsports but there's no political power behind it.
  15. No wreckers have ever had them when asked for 32 onwards, but as they get older maybe there's a chance. Anyway Welcome :-)
  16. Needed to move up the line to see the biggest cannon (mine )
  17. Looks like I've found a place to do my upgrades, so I'll be out again soon. Just not that soon.
  18. I still don't see how a paper or foam/mesh product could explode and cause death inside a sealed engine bay. There must have been many factors at work. Could you go into some more detail so we can get a better understanding how this accident may have occured. I will probably be moving to a enclosed pod enclosure soon, so I am very interested.
  19. http://www.news.com.au/national/ads-for-yo...r-1225847264322
  20. Will keep a look out for it. Anything else about the car so we might identify it if the plates have been removed? Hope you get it back or another skyline so you can join in future events.
  21. I claim the only R33 GTR that turned up.
  22. Showing the kid in me, I so want the Knight Rider car.
  23. Ahh now I see it, who take photo of Knight rider from the rear?
  24. Not ones I can see???
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