Thanks everyone for their input, please add more as you think of it.
Currently we seem to have a general want for "skylinesaustralia" or "SKYLINESAUSTRALIA" as the logo with SAU highlighted in some way.
The web address down the bottom seemed to be generally accepted
A very strong want for a Canberra background of some kind
large clear and readable font that is not over shadowed from the background (a very sensible idea)
Mick I really like your draft, can you adjust your idea/picture with the following ideas
Full black background
On top in large capital and white letters "SKYLINESAUSTRALIA" with SAU in another colour (should take about 1/3 to 1/4 of the hight of the flag)
To the left side under the first S add the letters A and U under each other. The S the A and the U in the same colour as the top SAU.
The picture sitting below the "SKYLINESAUSTRALIA" and to the right of the SAU
Add the web address in slightly smaller lettering to the bottom.
This should accomplish what everyone has come up with except Donnan's idea (which I really like, but I don’t think we have room)