Yep and that's still ongoing.
From several people I've been told similar stories as well. I had some limited but decent service from Jim who runs the place, but the fellow on the desk and who booked in the job lied to me about several things and is still screwing me around. The list keeps growing of things Croydon did or did not the more I look at the car.
I will take one thing back, the fuel econemy problem turned out to be a Woolworths/Caltex problem not the tune (after Jim said all 98's were the same mind you). But as some you you have seen, the shit comming from the exhaust is still there, if less so with the BP fuel.
Every time I take the car to Sydney to fix things (that never seem to get done when I arrive) it costs me about $120 in fuel and all my day. Just factor that in when considering taking your car to a Syndey or Melbourne workshop. CRD has been surprised that I will not go away, others I have talked to just give up trying to get service, but thats not my style.
Jim seems to be a good tuner, it's the rest of the service I am very unhappy about.
Don't piss of a public servant.