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Everything posted by nakedterror

  1. you'd have to be crazy to go past Leewahs car if you're looking for a big power gtr - I shudder to think how much he's put into it and if I had the money, I'd have bought it long ago
  2. I have an STI I'll swapsy with you
  3. of course it was stock, you spend $160k on a car and you shouldn't have to modify the damn thing! with that said, by now you'd probably swap your gtr for a trabant and a month's supply of kerosene
  4. I like the fact that even with no brakes, I still lapped only 2 seconds slower than the M3
  5. LOL Scott's 1.41 wasn't in the telstar!
  7. Wang is uninsurable mate, too much risk! Roll of white sticky tape from James - free "liberating" a rubbish bin from it's incarceration - free "Correcting" the spelling on the Welcome to Benalla sign - free Face planting into a rose bush while modifying the "i" in Benalia? Priceless Pretty priceless to come back and not realise I was bleeding from the face in several places!
  8. oh yeah.. I kinda forgot about that.. or repressed it..... maybe you should try to do the same :uh-huh: James - the bloke with the lifetime pass reckons his son used to race Cody and kick his arse, but he decided not to continue racing because it was too dangerous! hahahaha *cough*
  9. never forget the telstar can nevar loooooose!
  10. I'm kind of scared to see what I took pics of
  11. highlight of the weekend? The Brisby Breakfast Cereal Toast Invalid Stout the man is a MACHINE
  12. I left about 2 mins after Chris left, I had a shower and contemplated eating. that contemplation led to me needing to lay down for a while. I saw Lyn on the way back, in Templestowe so I think she held up ok. I got MESSED the JODA's owned me a JODA is one shot of midori, one shot of cointreau, one shot of galliano and a splash of apple juice. This does not mix well with beers and Belfast car bombs. Seemed like a bloody wonderful idea at the time though I seem to remember talking to Cody Crockers godmother?
  13. will send moolah through tonight
  14. Team Wang broke me that is all
  15. seperate beds pls
  16. Bec, is there another bed available? if so, can you book it for both nights for me?
  17. I'm bringing my rubber incontinence pants so that I don't have to waste valuable drinking time
  18. w00t - you've already got me down for Fri and Sat nights this is going to be huge! I'm heading up on Friday morning for open practice, anyone else coming?
  19. Have we found a place/date for drinkies and vids? Really looking forward to that
  20. hahahaha, GOLD JERRY!
  21. plenty of bling, but no fully sick habibis out the front of KFC
  22. that explains that, but why Chap's Laps?!
  23. loved every single aspect, only thing I'd change is more shots at the short wang course and less time arsing about at the end Keep the reversing maneuvres, even add more in - it's just another facet to car handling and that's what motorkhanas are all about!
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