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Everything posted by Adz2332

  1. yer i think i have done well and he was happy wid 17000. As far as upgrading the 204.5kw will be jus fine lol for awhile anyway
  2. thanks yer it is very nice spotless inside and out. very happy
  3. haha yer but it has so so much torque and it bites hard if you give it to much in corners, and it handles lik a pig. so once the back is out and it gets to a point of no return u jus got to hold on and let the car go where it wants to!
  4. haha yer and i hope the skyline can make it around cornors unlik the vette! haha. but yer thanks, love the look of the R33 especailly the series 2
  5. yer i kno ive been told lol and a vette is so so soooooo much different to the skyline, jus got to get used to it
  6. Thanks yer im happy as wid it! Cant wait to drive it now!! first skyline experiance tomorrow!!
  7. yer it is the interior is spotless and i got it for 17000
  8. Go to that link for pics. he had it up for sale on here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...mp;hl=series+Ii
  9. 3" stainless steel turbo back exhaust 600x300x75 FMIC Apexi Power FC Apexi Commander Apexi EBC K&N pod filter in stainless steel cold air box Bosch 040 fuel pump (in tank and quiet) Larger radiator (34mm thick v factory 25mm thick) Stainless steel radiator guide Strut braces front and rear Autometer boost and oil temp on A pillar AVS model 6 17x8 front and 17x9 rear Water pump, radiator, timing belt, idler and tensioner bearings replaced at 85,000 kms
  10. Hey, Well as of tomorrow i am a fellow Skyline owner! I bought it off of Peter aka snake from here, Reali nice guy. Its a 1996 R33 GTST Series 2, manual, beautiful inside and out. Has a few good modifications and is good for 204.5 kw at the wheels. Cant wait to go for a drive! Thanks to everyone that has helped answer my questions and i have alot more to ask as well. thanks again
  11. I have read through some other threads on this, so is there no benifet of high mounting a turbo? The only reason you would is because the aftermarket turbo wouldnt fit in the low mount position?
  12. we should find a meeting spot, a place in the middle of us all and not have a car run jus a park and meet kinda thing. get to kno the people we talk to everyday!
  13. Where bouts in south Australia, what suburb, are you guys and girls out there from? Im from Ingle Farm.
  14. i just rang H2P and Ansvar and they wont insure me at all! Im 21. Rang RAA $2200 +! Rang Just cars $900 Shannons $1500+
  15. hey again, What sort of Kws are your R33 GTSTs making on the dyno? Reali interested to hear from series 2 owners! What Kws is average for this make of car and what is a lot for it? What mods has it got? Thanks
  16. budget up to $18,000 for car and few grand for mods.... The choice reali is r32 gtst or r33 gtst? both manual. which will produce higher kw wid easyish mods?
  17. Well, went looking at a toyota supra today... terrible!!! The interior is s**t!!! So small and cramped!!! so that went out the window! Next went to see about a R32 GTR, was going well until he listed some of the bills he has racked up repairing the car over the last few years... my bank account doesnt stretch that far!! Now my choices are.... R32 GTST or R33 GTST series II. Mayb a rex but doubt it. Whats the difference apart from shape between the R33 and the R33 series II? What sort of kw at the wheels do these cars put out? What sort of quarter mile time do these make? Also which car is faster, the R32 GTST or the R33 GTST? How much would u expect to pay for a R33 Series II that is totally stock standered? Thanks again, and now i might be joining you guys as a skyline owner.....
  18. Any one kno of any good websites to check out body kits etc? And any places in adelaide selling them?
  19. i have a vette yes but no GTR..... YET. Mayb changing my mind to a supra tho.....
  20. Haha explain the supra joke!!! haha
  21. ok cool. r33s or bigger than the 32s how much heavyer r they? so in stock turbo form what is faster
  22. are they much slower off the line? lik my only dragging will be short bursts?
  23. Does u guys 2wd cars struggle against the 4wd cars? wspecially over short distances and off the line? And seeing as the car i choose to buy wont be dragged down the 1/4mile much, if ever, just at the lights wouldnt a 4wd kill a 2wd?
  24. Cheers guys. There is a relitivly standared twin turbo supra ill b looking at this sat. and ill look at some R33s and R32s GTSt to. Which car is faster to begin wid out of the 33 and 32? Also doesnt a 2wd car reali lag off the line compared to 4wd WRXs n GTRs?
  25. Feel free guys to talk to me lik im an idiot cos when it comes to these kinda cars i am! I have $20,000 to spend on the car, a couple thousand to throw at some mods. What car would you buy and what mods would you do to it, to make it the quickest it possiably can be? all roughly in my budget
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