Just thought some might like to see the gearbox mount and engine mounts I made for a RB20DET in to a BMW E36.
For more detail on the swap go here. http://www.eurocca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=17736
Gearbox mount
Gearbox crossmember is a single piece of 8mm plate with a section piece of 40x40x4 RHS on top.
Here it is installed.
Engine mounts
Here are the piece which are to be welded to the original BMW crossmember, these are cut with a 4 inch grinder from 4mm plate.
Tacked together
Here are the welded left and right profiles
welded to original crossmember
Close up of welding
Reinstalled in car with Nissan Patrol engine mount in place
Notice plate on engine mount rubber and plate bolted to the block.
Started by making a plate to join the two and tacked together.
Once I had it tacked I pulled it out and boxed it in.
Welded out ready for paint.
Now repeat.
Job finished