hey guys,
no i didnt make this thread because i want a louder BOV or something
I recently blew my stock r33 gtst turbo. and i now have a GT-RS in there, but the tuner is having some issues getting over 300rwhp
the engine keeps knocking if he tries to push it any further...zzz
comp test and leak down test have been done, and everything seems fine. still cant find the prob
i have the usual mods
z32 afm
740cc injectors
fuel pump
the question is though, the ebc is set to 17psi
but why is the bov releasing shit all air, being very quiet. i have tried putting the stock bov back one, and that one is also very quiet?
shouldnt it being louder as the car is now running more boost?
it is a LOT quieter, sometimes cant even hear anything compared to when the stock turbo was in, and the stock turbo was running 11psi only
and i also notice the suction noise from the pod is also quieter
so is less air getting into the engine? is something restricting it?
all i can think of is that some bits of the compressor wheel from my blown turbo is stuck on the turbo side of the fmic core?
or am i being a noob and is this normal? lol
i dont really care that the bov is quiet now, i just wanna know if there is a problem