yeah he has insurance on the 32 and its covered for the same price he pay3d for it so his not on a downer for the money factor its the princable of some scum stole his new ride and he wants it back or at least get the scum who did it
im flying up there tomorrow to help him out so im hoping to get as much info as i can on anything sus in the area so we can go hunting for the c**ts
his younger brother with the r33 on the other hand didnt have insurance and his kicking him self for it he was planing to insure it but he was waiting till he done his tax to pay for it whihc would have been about a month after it got stolen
he took it on the chin but we would still love to catch these f**kers
one thing i cant stand is people f**king with other peoples pride and joy it makes me so angry
i would love to catch someone trying to damage or even steel my car so i can open up a whole 44gallon drum of super dopper woop ass with extra sauce on there ass
scary thing is once i start on the scum i dont know if i would stop?
thanks for the help fellas much apreiciated
question, is there abit of theift going around at the moment and do many cars ever turnh up around there or are they generally stripped, trashed, rebirthed or something along those lines?
also a lsit of wreckers in qld as its a possabilty some parts may end up there? who knows its worth a try