i agree with sled, the better option is to either redraw (if you have a variable home loan) or if possible apply for a top up on your loan. with the commbank there are three types of personal loans that you can apply for unsecured fixed, variable and secured fixed rate
the loan terms for unsecured tend to be around the 1-7 years with minimum starting at 5000 with a max of $50,000.
the fixed rate secured loan is for cars that are bought from reputable car yards, with the car being no older than 5 years. the loan term on these are 1-5 years with min 14,000 and no maximum amount you can borrow.
also to add there tends to be a establishment fee of around 300.
in order to apply for a personal loan, one must be working preferably full time and be able to provide financials for two consecutive pay slips. what i also say is the more information you can give the better.
as long as the loan purpose is for "personal use" they dont really care. say its for a holiday, say its for a wedding, say its for rennovations.
by all means shop around for rates, value and service.
if you have questions, dont hesistant to ask
goodluck with it all