Hi I also have problems but mine sticks in third and wont change into overdrive but not everytime worse in day heat ,
also,unless i fiddle with the at/snow setting.
it also changes down too even when i am at 100klms on freeway,and again the at/snow switch will help the change if not i have too change between drive and nutral till it does. but if all that fails i kick the side panel where the comp is and that makes it change eventually.
It has also recently started too loose all drive aswell like it goes into neutral and i have too go between drive and neutral too get it too re engage.
i have noticed if it changes smoothly from 1st too 2nd all goes well, but if it changes with a neck jerk grab too 2nd i know i will be having trouble.
But if the weather is cold i dont seem too have too many probs,
Anyboby got any ideas on what too do please.