Hey all,
I recently purchased my Cefiro. It is an RB20DE But I was lucky enough to find a factory manual.
One of the first things I did was attempt to put in a spare head unit I had lying around. Upon pulling out the original unit, there were a LOT more wires than I expected to find. I gather that some of them are for the electric aerial etc. but there are still a lot of "spare" ones.
After finally working out which ones were the speaker wires I wired it all up only to find out the head unit had no power. Then when I turned on the headlights, the head unit suddenly worked, and when i turned them off, so did the head unit. I got out the old trusty multimeter and discovered that what i first thought was the accesory wire (since it was in a three hole plug with the negative and the battery wire) was actually something to do with interior lighting. I tried most of the other remaining wires and none of them seemed to respond to the accoesry switch. Id also rather not wire the accesory to the positive wire either.
If anyone has any advice or wiring diagrams etc it would be much appreciated as im also struggling to work out which wires operate the rear speakers.