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R31_Original :-p

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  1. DoH!!! I got work...would love to come...i feel sick...COUGH COUGH*
  2. Hey jetgts...how much $$$ are u after for the engine??
  3. sorry guys....how stupid of me :-o ...but yeah no_gtr_yet is right!! ;-)
  4. Take a look at this site....they have the engine for $6500 and full front cut from a 97 GTR with 27,000Km for $15000
  5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R U SERIOUS???? Thats not full comprehensive though is it???? Wat did Just Cars quote u???
  6. Maaannnnn.....1 MB/s...SHIZER!!! Speeds U dream of!!!!!!!!!!! optASS cable is definately the fastest but also capped.....and coz telstra is gay and running a monopoly....broadband internet isnt where it should be in AUS......so every1 has to settle for unlimited ADSL....which sadly is up to SPPEEEEDDD!!!!
  7. i heard on a forum that suckmypipe was set up by the feds??? Dont know how true this is....but it is possible???????????????????
  8. cable is capped....thats y adsl is better!!! 3Gb is noway near enough....that can be done in like 1 - 2 days!
  9. shizer...thats crazyness!!!:-0
  10. wat firewall u running urmine???
  11. kazaa is a file sharing program dude
  12. hey Duncan....wat speeds do u get like from kazaa???? say at 11pm (offpeak)???
  13. iinet use packet shaping which can restrict ure download speeds
  14. I agree....just wasnt sure if he needed the extra SPPEeeD!!! ;-)
  15. ive been looking into ADSL also.....the best ive come across is www.ozforces.com.au $79 for 256/64......remember to also consider packet shaping if u plan on downloading a lot????
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