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Everything posted by sillylankan

  1. i dunno about you, but I THINK those cars are just tird, i aint no rice burner. im picturing it now, *in my nonturbo mr2* then some fresh gtst coming up next to me at the lights, and i looked to the side and i think to myself wtf did i just buy?? now you think about it lol, i didnt sign up to this forum to buy no honda or toyota...
  2. how is that wrong? he asked if it was legal to drive TURBOS on your ps. and i said in july 08, new p platers cant drive any TURBO at all, no matter what. god damn, whats with you mods, stop getting so angry, where is the love PEACE XOXOXOXOXO oh ive made up my mind, r33 gts-t f**k yeah !
  3. yeh farkn curries. silly lankan curries are cool! we are different ! haha
  4. no no no, the new laws start july 2008, from then on p platers cannot drive turbos/v8s/supercharged, so if you have your ps or get them before july 2008, your fine
  5. yes, have not purchased the car yet but i will take that risk. wont drive nuts, wont be a hoon. hopefully keep on the down low, its better than driving no turbo car at all for 3 years mate...
  6. ok my cousin just gave vicroads a buzz, the new graduated licence system start on JULY OF 2008 and will not effect any other P'plater who has got their P's before this date. hoooraaayy
  7. haha taking money from your parents is differnt from taking money off your mates so thats next year, if you got/get your ps by the end of this yr, its cool yeh?
  8. yeh, definatley, ive made up my mind 33 gts-t FTW !
  9. haha wtf dude, i didnt say that !! haha i just meant that itl be sick to have a quicker car than a commorodore and that id have to drive my gf places, impress my gf !! WTF haha i already impress her with my mint looks hahahaa
  10. haha yeh i figured , saw the booze bus around there the other night, the pricks...but i dont think ill go there much at night i have no use there, plus theres so many 14 yr old fags that ahh like "awwww shicckkk a skyline"
  11. haha, i live near vermont south shops, down burwood highway, like 7 mins away from knox
  12. haha lol, i dont think i can do that, il always shout people shit, and taking money just feels so pov haha. i remember this one time, when my mate gave the mintest chick a ride home and asked her for 5 bucks haha it was halarious, i dont think she ever talked to him again. hahaha
  13. hmm i dont like gts's!!! as for the money thing, mum will pay for that lol and my gf said she would toooo, and i didnt mean the killing my mates commodores like that. Kv
  14. haha relax mang, if i do, you can collect the smashed up stock engine haha
  15. hahaha lol, man im getting my mummy to pay for my petrol !! haha f**k yeh
  16. haha lol i wont, will keep everything on the down low. lol OH BTW ! if i get the car n everything, can i be really COOl like you guys and come on really COOL cruises with yallllllllll? hahah lol
  17. haha lol so true man. ive thought about all this mod shit, i think im gonna keep it stock for a while, i mean i just got my ps, and a 33 gtst is illegal let alone a one with mods, so ill just keep myself on the down low lol cheers
  18. yeh, well the car im looking at, is completely stock, ride height and everything, i thought that if i didnt drive crazy in busy and public places lol, id be fine, im from the vermont south area, and i hardly see cops, but then again once i get a car, im pretty sure ill drive everywhere my gf wants me drive haha. about the gts thing, like i know its all legal n stuff, i just reckon they are gay, like how many people would be like why the f**k are you driving a non turbo skyline, you get me? plus i wanna kill all my mates commodores cheers, Kv.
  19. ^^ well? if so, get pulled over often? what happens then? are you likely to get pulled over drivng a stock as a rock r33 gtst? is it worth driving "illegally"? cheers
  20. nice, how lucky, never even got pulled over?
  21. so if they get caught, what happens?
  22. why do i see so many then? do they get dicked or what? what happens to them?
  23. i have no working phone for a few days to call vicroads, so i thought id ask here. are r33 gtst (stock) legal on your p's??? checking on the vicroads site it says on GTR's are, but people keep saying 33 gtst's are illegal, then i see millions of p platers driving 33 gts-ts, im so confused, i just turned 18 and my parents are full tight about all this, but if they are ill just say they arnt ! haha. thanks !
  24. where are some places in melb, where parts are relativley cheap??
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