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Everything posted by m3gtr

  1. So what exactly will you do with the car?? I anticipate you will ship it out again and then..? Thats a terrible position to be in. Look on the bright side, there is the possibility of converting it into a drift machine! A stagea drift car..thatd be different.
  2. i agree with the blanking out of bank details. That shouldnt be common knowledge. it is a PUBLIC forum after all.
  3. well for some reason, i thought the application was for the track.. now it turns out its drag so i digress. Its too big a turbo to be for the track anyways..theres no way itd be drivable...no way on Gods green earth. still, id be very happy to see how it all turns out. How long exactly will it take to complete mr doughnut? and more precisely just what are you expecting of it?
  4. it shouldnt be ironic though given that the government will do everything it can to protect local investments i.e holden, ford and to a lesser degree, Mitsubishi from the invasion of foreign made products that could totally wipe out the ADM as we know it, LOL.... i see the irony in that. good luck with the suit, by the way.. hope you get some pay back.
  5. Im really sorry to hear about this. Personally, i feel even worse that youre having to resort to the courts to get your justice... I cant imagine what kind of stress youre under right now but as someone who doesnt know you, i still want to give you my commiserations and hope you get a successful end to this rubbish youre going through. Best.
  6. fine. I have my reasons you have yours. Why for the life of me someone would come on here and start a defamation thread against a "well known and respected trader on these forums" is beyond me. And since when has SAU been here to monitor and /or police disputes between members? Thats for the authorities to decide. If OP really thinks hes been ripped off report it to the police ASAP. If Mr Ben is clean, he should get on this forum ASAP and explain whats going on because the frrum has been dragged into this and is reputation is in question. Im making complete sense here and perhaps you just dont want to acknowledge that, Nick.
  7. IBTL stands for..I Beat The Lock. This threads going to get shut down soon in other words.
  8. havent you noticed Nick, that there are a few people on here already who think theres been something dodgy going on?
  9. Nick, i based my opinion on the facts i was given. To me its unnacceptable given the length of time and persistence of the buyer. To you he might be more than what Op is claiming him to be and perhaps youre biased because of it. You have to respect my right to state my opinion although i couldve toned it down a little. no need to get all twisted over it. Case in point, Poida bought a set of supra calipers for his soarer off a dude here in tokyo and dropped 6 man on them, sent the money and everyting but many weeks later and the calpiers didnt sow. Pete set about casing the dude but he got away and pete got the shaft...even the cops couldnt do anything about it. it was almost a carbon copy of this situation. You think im flaming. Im pissed off just thinking about it. MY 2 cents mate. Im entitled to them. get over it.
  10. and how exactly will the car be drivable if it takes so long to spool up? And THAT in race conditions? So its a V8..with a truck turbo attached to it..youd have massive torque from the V8 and the turbo is quietly doing its thing when suddenly and unexpectedly, mid corner mind you, full boost is reached and youre spat off the road faster than you can blink.. not actually whats going to happen mind you but that was the crazy vision that popped into my head just now thinking about what your car would be like to drive.. :sorcerer:
  11. 2 months and no item. return of emails etc isnt enough cause or reason to act? me thinks it is. "Release the hooouunds!" i wonder how long itll be before the mod pulls the pin on this thread.?
  12. m3gtr

    What Track Is This?

    there are literally hundreds of tracks with corners like that here. if i guess correctly, what prize will i win??
  13. hahahah, faaaaaark! 6 to 8 seconds... i bet itd sound like a jet engine ..vvvvVVVVVVVVwwwooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHHHH
  14. its not just the blatant scamming that makes my blood boil but the way he lied through his teeth to you too./..the guy deserves a smack in the head.. take the bank details and contact admin on the forum. A trader got arrested just recently so im sure if admin gave you the wankers details you could forward them to the police.. good luck getting your cash back.
  15. well your doing a sterling job replicating the original theme!! INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT..EXXXTEEERRRMIINNAAAATE THEEEM! that huffer would take about a minute to spool up yeah? would suck in peak hour i reckon.
  16. .. ... what...the...HELL..is that that that...monstrosity..? and more importantly, what lunatic approved your CAMS license?
  17. i can feel a flame session brewing...
  18. you didnt know it was on the list?? how do you think you got yours?
  19. been in a few cubes have we richo? How was the 6ft by 6ft padded version?
  20. masterstroke of understatement there richo..
  21. ahahaha yeah that guy was a loon! :laughing-smiley-014: AIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAI!
  22. i reckon the cube would be an excellent addition to the local lineup.
  23. i was just thinking of the cube, winks.. do you think someone will stump up the 50~80 thousand to get it through? be a hit with the chicks, thats for sure..
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