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  1. I'ev been bumming around SAU for awhile, anyways, its a great site, but lets get to the point, im currently studying in yr11, i wanna get my Vet auto completed (We start our Vet in yr10) and after this year, i was think of doing a apprenticeship, thats if i feel that school just doesnt cut it for me, im very devoted to cars, being part of my life, i guess i cant live wit out them. What im trying to say is that, is it posible that performance shops like CreatD, RaceLine motorsports and Ice Performance , in melb, me for apprenticeship. I know this sounds kinds dumb , but i wanna work with imports, not just your average family cars you know, doesnt intrest me as much as imports. I have a fair bit of knowledge, thanks to everyone in SAU, i try to read most of your post, and High Performance Import mags, and learn from your experiences. I just wanna know what you guys/girls reckon, is it possible to even get into working with performance shop, but more get an apprenticeship with them, My brother owns a Skyline GTS25T, so yes i'ev worked around imports before. Don't take me for another fool, who just says they like imports because their cool, and wanna work wit them. Im very serious about this so yeah. Feel free to comment, i wanna know what you reckon.
  2. just in intrest, How many km's, and service history that you know of? and any problems that u r aware of so far, it seems to be in neat condition.
  3. My bro used to have one, badge onto his gts, didnt like the idea, so he took it off. GTS-R badging came off the the rare R31 GTS-R, so typically its a ebay stuff. Like many have said, theres no such as a GTS-R R33.
  4. out of the topic, how much is a geniune GTR badge, i know for fact that KPGC10 badges go for alot, but seriously. Dont take it the wrong way though, i dont badge cars nor do i dress em up. Know what, how bout badging your GTR with the old skool GTR badges, they look nice.
  5. Theres roughly 10 pages of reading, so its not for the faint hearted. I'ev only just finished page 1, and just reading over again to pick up the main key points now. just something i wanted to share.
  6. yes, but wait untill the fuel consumption gets to you, i know a friend, whos brother has one, and seriously consider trading an XR6T for WRX STi, because of this. in everyday situation, a skyline GTT would be better, its lighter and nimble, better for every weekender. It drinks roughly 17ltrs per 100km from what he told me.
  7. Typhoon against R34 GTR is a fair fight, and one i will stand up to it. Factory specs claim typhoon pulls mid 13's, where as R34 should pull high 13's, but really, it does high 12's. The R34 GTT should kill XR6T easy, simply cause the XR is a family car, it wasnt designed as much as the R34. If we wanna talk big, than find a ford, thats built in Australia thats in the same era, say 1998 or 2002. As much as i hate to say it, ford sucked at creating sports cars during those times, it was only till 2004 that ford lifted thier game. Wait till the GTR 2007 gets released, than lets get talking. Ps: XR6T pulls roughly 220KW, with the added weight, 1600kg, it should be similar to 206KW GTT skyline.
  8. Have you thought bout stroker kits for supra? ,what bout 3.4lt kit from american brand 'Titan' for supra, or 3.4lt from HKS, these would increase torque and power levels beyond of what any RB engine can pump out. Its true bout what people have said bout its job, being poorly executed, maybe Top Secret might should'ev done it, this idea, they did it with a supra, with RB26.
  9. Just board, so decided to mod a GTR to widebody. Feel free to comment, this my first timer so yeh. The stocker The widebody version.
  10. Theres more likely a snitch, one of the employees, or maybe a customer who really likes to hang out there alot. No pointing fingers though, just a hunch. Really feel sorry for the people whos cars where stolen, what i dont get though wasnt there any cameras in the workshop? or atleast alarm system?
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