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Everything posted by whistla

  1. Aidan is the guy thats designed and fabricated the ones here i have one installed on mine, looks great and designed PROPERLY haha autobarn, i laugh everytime i hear that word give him an email [email protected] in regards to his cans
  2. that makes it alot more audible as iv noticed
  3. lemmy try when u lift off the throttle, build up of pressure happens on the intake side, vaccum line (to register boost pressure) to the wastegate registers pressure pushing on the wastegate diaphram opening it up but, when we were dyno tuning my car i didnt notice any evidence of this happening while i was watching the wastegate actuator
  4. haha dingley hanger sh|theads... i hate the area man, cant wait to move out i still suspect it was those little milk bar hangers that stole my old car and ripped out the stereo equipment
  5. What iv found is the same people that think running no BOV is the total end of your turbos life are the same people that dont consider changing their oil and filter regularly Change oil AND filter RELIGOUSLY every 5000, i belive that is more of a KEY POINT for turbo longevity than a bov
  6. First youll need to know the previous security pin, other than that all u have to do is hold "SET" down when the ignition is off. Holding it down turn the key to ignition and it should prompt you yeah boost cut, violently cuts the injectors...doesnt feel nice but i guess its better than over boosting 20psi and blowing a rod
  7. ill be more than happy to chip in funky
  8. I ran no bov with my old stock turbo for a year and clocked close to 50,000km in that time. When I upgraded my turbo, I had my old one checked out, it was in perfect health (running 14psi) Just bare in mind, "mums and dads" that buy a turbo car dont like noises emitting from their cars everytime they change gears. To some; noise = somethings wrong, so the last thing most want is a muffled fluttering noise. Plus, together with a factory AFM and tight emission regulations there is a need for the plumb back return pipe. But you make the judgment, so far in my life i havent heard anyone prove to me there is inevitable failure by running no bov.
  9. i think some of you guys are getting alittle confused with the old school garret T04(e/s/v/whatever trim as there are heaps of different style T04's) and the HKS T04
  10. Loud exhaust p|ssing the neighbours off? Sh|tty little kids in the area? My gfs neighbour use to get pretty annoyed with people parking on the road next to his house (weird weird people) and they would do various things which included spitting on my car to covering my car in cut grass yes..i came back to the car with it COVERED in grass, now THATS what i call effort But id suspect it sh|tty little kids thinking theyre big boys by smashing someone property Sorry to year dude
  11. Best NOT to speculate what happened. Its fvkced up, especially at this time of year for the families (or whatever time of the year) Careful out there
  12. i was going to mention this! was curious to know if anyone elses gets annoyingly louder when its hot (long drive + warmer weather) im not sure how mine was mounted (its intank), but the only issue i have is that when the fuel gauge is on the second last notch, its classified as "empty" and will surge if it goes lower and i dont fuel up
  13. AEM (Wolf) are only up to version 4.55 or something there abouts
  14. yeah, when i replaced my turbo with "bolt on item" i had to take off some of the water line support bushes/bolts off the block to give it alittle slack after that, it was straight fit
  15. Who were you refering to? Neither Al's or mine are auto for the record.
  16. nice work man... cant wait to see this on the road!
  17. iv had no problems plugged in, tuned and on my way... its been two years now
  18. i want my 10mins back...
  19. Unfortunantly the max charge time has always been set to 1.8ms since its been installed (min time 0.8ms) Its only blown coils in these last 6months and iv had the Wold installed for about a year and a half now
  20. Cheers, thanx for your help
  21. Thats what im thinking it is too dude.. I spoke to my Nissan dude (service mechanic) and he insists its just the heat that gets to em, and it doesnt have to be hot on the day for it to happen I was inspecting my other ones when i changed over the blown one and i suspect cyl4 coil is on its way out too. Noticed a small crack growing on the amplifier casing where it usually cracks GAH! Dude! got more info on these? where to buy? do i need to change any other part of the ignition system for these to be compatitable?
  22. nah dude, this is a series2 motor the amplifier packs are individual on each cyclinder...its the amplifier thats crapping itself (literally cracks the casing)
  23. Yeah from Nissan: $198 I know your offering FOUR for less than that, but i have this fobia of "well, how long will THESE last" if i make sense?
  24. Thanx for you help guys! Steve, thanx for the offer...although iv already ordered my brand new one As much as i trust your sale, i (personal reason only) prefer getting brand new coils Thanx again though dude
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