Played heaps in highschool, then more at uni at USQ.
Haven't played competitivly since then (2001/2) because I don't count corperate games lol
Played pickup 2 nights a week when I lived out on site in the mines where I broke my foot pretty bad. This was 1.5 years ago and it still isn't 100%. In fact I doubt it ever will be, it is maybe 80%.
Best memory is dunking the 10foot (I'm 5'10). Was also good fun dunking at school in gr12 on the 9.5foot hoop. 2 hands, reverse etc
I once got 3 in a row, backwards from half court.
And I threw a golf ball straight in the hole, in the rain, after sundown, from about 15m. Couldn't see the hole, just the top of the flag. Best. Shot. Ever.