oh noes, not the scooters again. i had bad experiences with those things.
we hired two when i was at the coast for a friends b'day. we took them off raod through a park. doing 60 along the grass with friends on the path. saw a bump up ahead and i thouht i'd be a smart arse and do a jump got about 4 feet in the air and then i landed. the scooter flipped upside down (road tires on grass = bad) i hit the ground flat on my shoulder, and came to an instant stop, no rolling that really hurt! got up, thing wouldnt start and we heard cop sirens, we shat ourselves. plus i smashed the rear tailight.
decided to drive them back now. friend gets pulled over on the ones that i trashed. turns out it has no rego either so cop escorts us back to the shop. he goes off at the store and gets all our money back including the bond he even makes them ignore the smasjed tailight, saying it looks like it was old
meanwhile, i'm there covered in dirt and blood from coming off.
good times good times