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Everything posted by lilmike86

  1. my mate cant come due to engine pinging and very very bald tyres
  2. *there is no smiley able to capture the amount of shame and regret i have right now, but this will do * i just got back from..........someone's house and i shall never go there again. i have made a huge mistake and it was so not worth it. sleeping with your employees is a bad idea plus it was crap! all i can taste is whore and tobacco, its disgusting. i think i shall keep my standards at classy women. this is my conshence (too lazy to spell) -> <- this is me idiot idiot idiot!!!! lesson learnt, lets hope all is good at work tomorrow *end rant* i feel a bit better now, sorry guys.
  3. i'm off people! remember to wear pants!
  4. glad to see i've enlightened some people with words of wisdom. although somehow i feel we have all become stupider just from reading it
  5. hmmmmm.......i see. you have much to teach me
  6. you see, you must understand young ian, that the world revolves around "pants". without the "pants" you are nothing, and cannot participate in the "great circle of pants" just like in the lion king (but with out elton john) if it has no pants, then it does not exist. there is no meaning to life without "pants". for when your pants die, and you throw them away. a homeless man finds them, and continues to use them until he gets collected with the trash that he sleeps in. thus dying under the overwhelming smell of garbage and soiled nappies. the pants go with him into the ground, and eventually a "bum tree" is born in its place. from this tree sprout more bums, each with a little bit of those pants, used as a loin cloth. and so it is that the pants continue this cycle until there is no more to make loin cloths. then the bums discard the loin cloths and mug someone, steeling his pants and the cycle continues. do you understand now young ian?
  7. it still has pants though............kick it in the pants!
  8. kick it in the pants then
  9. yes but the afgani's have beards...............wait, so does oprah? hmmmm..............this complicates things indeed. maybe that explains the origins of the hose-beast known only as..............oprah winfrey..........and her gigantic ass! *insert dramatic shock music*
  10. i dont watch oprah. such a thing is unthinkable.......i have only heard from survivors in the next room to those that view it. they had nightmares for 3 days
  11. only the acidic sweat of the hose-beast herself filled with the laughter and tears of american idiots compressed into droplet form. purely diabolical indeed. only such a thing could come out of the United States. <- oprah at lunch time
  12. did you see oprah troy? did you? you can tell me.......its ok troy. just calm down and breathe. its gone now, you'll be fine. now lets never speak of that again
  13. i did warn you didnt i troy
  14. no, soak the kat in kero then tape it down to the tracks, when the train starts moving the electricity will set the cat on fire, then put a big sharp spike on the end of the train and watch ok, i'll admit that was a little too evil
  15. daytime tv? your very brave troy
  16. i would go ply wood personally. i used to use a lot of it for modelling purposes when i was younger. cheap, fairly strong and not too heavy. eithere that or mdf. check prices really, both should do fine for what you need
  17. hardware store. flat piece of wood to your measurements
  18. thats on the sunny coast. the bitch who started it is basically telling everyone to photgraph any "hoon" car and send it in to get them arrested by the police. i'm thinking of getting someone to play around with her website, externally the funny part was that i was the one that broke it off last time but wait it gets better. i ended it because i felt bad about being the person to destroy her innocence (not referring to anything in particular) now two years down the track things have changed and i curse myself for not being an evil bastard that i was oh well, nothing i can really do about it
  19. hmmmm, yeah, well that sorta fell through after new years. i sorta made things complicated between me and my ex, who was the one providing all the free stuff (which she also got for free mind u) and screwed that up. no more free stuff, no more incredibly attractive female friend
  20. damn! you beat me to it bastard!
  21. see, i had free booze, and free ticket, and a lot of free other things. my new years cost me bout $10
  22. true, its a bit of a rough launch, hate to be driving.......or would i?
  23. still pretty cool for a turbo 1.6
  24. i know its another youtube video, but this one is good. promise i'll stop now
  25. and another reason i want one
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