well, this one is average, and she's been basically begging all afternoon for it, she wont shut up (i never thought i'd tell a girl to stop asking for sex) its more something to pass the time at work with. does this make me a bad manager
no, i'm going regardless of what happens, we are going as friends. but i know i could get more from my night if i wanted
i'm not normally like this FYI
i just dont like the whole honda concept to be honest. just not my kinda car. i'll admit they are fast cars for what they are, but they just dont appeal to me
i only know of like 2 and they are both circuit/drag cars and not for sale.
i'll talk to my friend, he works for the mx5 club of queensland.
will let everyone know
aaaahhh! bullet wont do it! they wont do the conversion. he said if they were to do it they would prob charge around 40k because they would have to upgrade everything. chassis, brakes, suspension the lot! bastards! oh well, next mechanic
they have already done a 20btt i have heard. i've been looking at some of their work, very nice. landcruiser v8 supercharged, and a gen3 v8 in another!