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Everything posted by UnCo

  1. Hi everyone, I'm in need of a replacement factory oil cooler for RB26. Does anyone know where to source it from and how much they are?
  2. Don't you need to be CAMS affiliated to be able to run something at Phillip Island?
  3. 1 set includes the doll and the lanyard right? If so, I'll take two sets if you have that many can you let me know how much total sent to Melbourne? Cheers! DOMO
  4. There's not any steep inclines or anything. The bays to park on are on a little hump so your car can sit at a comfortable angle upwards for you to see the screen easier rather than having to look up. My car had no problems there but I have stock suspension with Nismo kit.. but I'm pretty sure if I was lowered as well, I would be fine there still. I'll see if I can make this. Need to fix the speakers in my car though, the passenger door speaker is cutting in and out constantly and I have no rear speakers after they put the baby seat anchors there so I effectively have one working speaker haha.
  5. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    lol pretty sad to stick the finger out just because someone doesn't want to go. Shame on them.
  6. Last time I went to Japan I got to head out to the D1GP at Fuji Speedway great experience. Also went to the Nismo factory for a looky. Most of our trip was based around car related things! Would love to go to New York! No moneys to spare though.
  7. Wow, thanks for the offer for rides everyone such a friendly bunch! I'll see if I'm able to even make it there in time haha. Charlie, would you be heading there from home area or going there straight from somewhere else? Without my car, I don't get home until anytime between 6:30-7:00 depending. Don't want anyone going heaps out of their way. I can always come next time anyway! Curious where the cruise is to though
  8. I got Yellow Jackets and haven't had a problem with them. If Splitfires are a bit out of your budget then I'd recommend the Yellow Jackets
  9. K11 Micra fun little car to drive too! Uses barely any petrol.
  10. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted a grey R32 with SAU stickers on Greensborough Hwy heading towards the bypass at about 6:30ish tonight.
  11. I'm in Eltham, about 6-7 mins drive from the carwash at that time of night haha. Thanks James, I'll see if I can grab a car and meet up again at least
  12. Congrats to Vu and Belle! Wishing you two a wonderful future together. It was beautiful on Saturday seeing two people so happy together is just plain amazing. I think I had a little too much to drink that night
  13. Bugger sounds fun and I haven't been to one in ages.. Anyone need a navigator/passenger? haha
  14. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    Yeah they've been going at it for a while. Just last week they had the carpark closed off between business hours. Should be good when they're done.. but for now I've been going to a different maccas to avoid it!
  15. Mine's the blue one Shame I had to work, would've been good to come along!
  16. Sounds like a good day, I sadly had to miss out because of work. Did anyone see my car down there? It wasn't on the dyno though.. at least I hope not haha.
  17. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    Cmon give it a rest, no need for sexist remarks or personal attacks. I'm sure everyone here has had enough of this like me. Agree to disagree. Lets keep it on topic.
  18. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted an R33 GTR on Greensborough Hwy tonight on my way home from work. Plates 'GTRXXX' Hope cool plates that are meant to be noticed like that are okay for me to post?
  19. Are you coming on the 23rd? Is it an option for you to drive up? We will be bringing a trailer between a few of us in the chance one of us needs a tow home but if not then it could be a possibility to trailer someone else home if needed.
  20. Ah trying to get it ready to hit the track again on the 23rd but came across a leak so it's in getting checked out. Just got a call to say it won't be ready until Monday/Tuesday so I'll definitely be out for this I'll join the next one hopefully! Have fun and rug up, it's going to be cold!
  21. Geraus, interested to know what deal Jack can do for my future trips to Winton. Can you keep us updated?
  22. I think I'm out for this car went in to the workshop this morning. Unless some kind of miracle happens..!
  23. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    Haha nice to spot ya nice rims. Spotted myself at Melbourne airport about an hour ago with cops blocking the entire place and an uncovered dead body on the ground cops were taking photos of it. RIP
  24. UnCo

    Spotted Thread

    White R34 non turbo with P plate stuck on the boot lid along Springvale Rd. Then a bit later I went to the Maccas on corner Heatherton Rd and Springvale Rd and saw it parked there too.
  25. If you give a paint shop the colour code for the starting base and tell them you want it a bit darker, they can easily create it for you.
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