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Everything posted by tjandriesen

  1. To quote one of our Vic hosts (or at least his car) "the GTR nevah lose"
  2. Expecting to break something?
  3. I'll be going early and doing Winton as well
  4. Champion what? Stop the group so my passenger can take a piss....yes you were....
  5. Or whoever gets there first can just block a couple off. Chubbs - still had slots as of this morning. EC is an awesome track.
  6. I'm in. Lets try to get some garages together.
  7. They have any slots left? I feel the need.....
  8. until NSW FTW
  9. Cammeray here. Get up that way every now and then and going back and forth to NBP.
  10. Part 2 - "When you have money troubles - spend less money". Give up the car (yes I know that hurts) and save up to buy something that you can afford to keep in parts and running on the track. At this point in your life you do not want to screw up your credit any more as at some point when you want to borrow for a house or whatever you won't be able to. If you have a good mate, split the cost of a track car. Being on the track and in a slower, stockish car beats watching.
  11. Ahhhh that was soo excellent!!!! and the next stop is??????
  12. Chris and I will be around at 5:30 ish or so. have a meeting that gets over at 5 a couple blocks away from the restaraunt.
  13. Jess, If Nic isnt going down until Friday maybe Mitch can crash with us Thursday nite....
  14. Put me down for a shirt - whatever design you end up with.
  15. Ryan's is fine. I usually only get to Bligh late when it's empty. Both are handy.
  16. Jess is the one for a place to stay. Will work out the departure details as we get closer and will post on here.
  17. 1) I'm keen to get an early start on Thursday - like really, really early. I know a couple of you might need to drive down to Sydney and am happy for anyone to crash at my house Wednesday night if it helps. 2) There is a Shell near my house in Neutral Bay that sells Shell V Racing (100 Ron). If you really want that last little edge perhaps we can get gerry cans and see if we can get a few to travel down on Brad's trailer. I run it all the time and it is good stuff. 3) Having done this drive before, I know how nice it was to have a navigator/passeneger (The big A rode there and back with me - we both survived the experience). If anyone wants a ride down and back just to check it out, let me know.
  18. will do Where are drinks before? I would suggest Bligh (http://www.thebligh.com.au/) as it's about 2 blocks away and has Sapporo on tap. Anywhere in the CBD works well for me.
  19. Cammeray here - not too far
  20. Put me down +1 - near work and sounds like a smaller group.
  21. so, is it Liz, Sam, and I headed down on Thursday? Losing track here (excuse the pun).
  22. As far as I'm concerned the more the merrier. Jess, where are we on spaces in the thur-sat cabin?
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