Hey Dude,
Thanks for all the info man! yeah few other people also told me that they had bad experiences with prestiege. Hmmm.. sounds like prestiege is not the best option
Few guys pm me about some good brokers. So I might ring them up and cut a deal. I did lot of homework on this. Since the aussie dolllar is doin good in these days it should be even cheaper to import one. one dollar is like 93 yen now. so looks like it is a good time for a purchase.
Do u know any good brokers u can recommend? i have a few but not decided which one im gonna go for.
its a risky thing. did u read the otehr post about With Kiwi Car Carriers? man i don wann endup in that situation. thats wy me lookin for a broker who can take the reponsibilty for all that.
anyways thanks again for all the info man. would appriciate if u can recommend few ppl to me.