Everything is going well. Just back at Uni so too busy for forums. Also am still logging on my phone as I go but since I'm now past 2 months of straight gym I've lost the OCD about posting every single exercise I do
Now that I'm at Uni I fit in gym sometimes in between classes which is awesome. Close grip lat pull downs are going well, 120lb ful max sets. Also my last dead lifting and squats session went really well, still on the same weights but was awesome form, where I wanted to be with squats before I up the weight again. Will do again to confirm still good then up it.
Finally got back to bench today, rotator cuff had been sore until now.
Other than that everything is just rolling along without event. Seeing a bit of physical change, legs arms an shoulders. Can feel the abs but still 67kgs so will be a while yet before I see them I think!
Over and out